Celli, Stretchie?

Hi Everyone,

In past blogs I have said that in a lot of ways I am genetically blessed. It is true. I, like my mother, have a tiny frame and have a hard time gaining weight. And like my mother, I rarely, barely take that blessing for granted. This is what I mean.

If 4 cans of 355ml of pop pass my lips in a calendar year, the world might as well have fallen off its axis. I am serious. A lot of people drink more than 4 cans of 355ml pop a day. Unfortunately those same people also choose not to walk. I love to walk. I always have and most probably always will. Something else that I do, is watch what and how much I eat. I also work out at home.

Because I am genetically blessed, I probably could eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted, not walk anywhere, not exercise and drink all the pop I wanted (if pop appealed to me that is) without gaining too much weight if I gained weight at all. But I don’t. This is why.

Even if I didn’t gain an ounce, I would probably get cellulite and stretch marks. Now I don’t know about anyone reading but that, like pop, does not appeal to me at all. I have never wanted to stand naked in front of a full length mirror imagining what my body would look like if I had celli, stretchies let alone have them, get them. Once you get celli, stretchies, they are with you forever. They are a part of your body.

Now some people say that people are prone to cellulite and stretch marks. In my experience, I would have to say that is not true. In the last few months, I have seen what some people call, “bigger girls,” wearing some pretty skimpy clothes without so much as one square centimetre of cellulite! I am serious. Two, “bigger girls,” had tighter, toned bodies than mine! When I saw what they brought to eat for breaks and lunch I knew they “got it”.

It was their self-discipline that had them bringing healthy snacks and lunches to work. Pop did not pass their lips, water did. They spoke about working out, not hanging out, or becoming part of a couch. They and their friends were actively finding ways to be active and healthy.

So do genes matter when it comes to celli, stretchies? Probably. In my opinion, what people choose for a lifestyle matters more. And the fastest way to see how a person chooses to live their life is by looking at their body.

Seeing a small amount of celli, stretchies is normal. Bodies age. Women have children. Every body changes every 7 years. But when I see someone younger than me, whose (over sized) butt looks like half melted jelly loosely held in place by a pair of, “granny-panties,” I turn my head. I have to.

Will I ever understand how young females will allow their bodies to get to that point especially if they have never been pregnant? Probably not. We all make choices. So don’t think that because I am genetically blessed, I have chosen to take that for granted. I haven’t.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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