How Do You Deal With Life?

Hi Everyone,

Life, like the weather and dreams, is unpredictable. Yes, I had a bizarre dream the other night that left me confused and not wanting to deal with life. This is what I mean.

Yesterday morning when I woke up I remembered my dream. I thought, good to know. Shortly after I started my day I had a series of disappointments. Within half an hour I felt discombobulated. After a few unsuccessful tries at a variety of things, I did nothing work related because nothing work related worked. Not only could I not deal, handle what NEEDED to be done I also didn’t know where to begin.

BUT, BUT, I knew if I didn’t get my act together soon, my decision to NOT deal, handle what needed to be done would have me dealing with them at a whole new level. That level would be negative because that’s exactly what happens when we decide to procrastinate, hope things will go away or change, even though we know that they won’t.

IN FACT, the longer we put things off, don’t deal, handle whatever is going on in our lives the more overwhelming they become! That also means the more negative our lives will become. If I didn’t do something about the world crashing down on me first thing in the morning, than I would be paralyzed, useless by the afternoon.

As the day progressed, I did little things to as I call it, “move myself forward”. I read, remade my bed, rearranged my plants, and bought some Peace Lilies because I needed some more peace in my life. Then after sometime, I re-started my day and got back to the business of living. That wasn’t perfect but at least it was a (re-) start. Again, everything went wrong, didn’t work out or took far longer than usual. All the while I pressed forward.

During the morning and while writing this blog I thought, in the whole scheme of things, from ALL the things in my life that I have dealt with, I have dealt with FAR worse. I also knew that if I didn’t start addressing the things in my life soon, (like yesterday!) my life will become worse.

Sure I was back to being clueless about what I HAD, NEEDED to do. I’ve been clueless countless times before in my life and ended up doing quite well. The things that HAD to be done, NEEDED to get done, weren’t life threatening. They were simply things that I needed to learn. If I couldn’t learn to deal, handle those things, how was I supposed to learn to deal, handle the bigger things I want to do in life? My thinking was I probably wouldn’t. And that is point of today’s blog.

If we don’t eventually deal with things in our lives, if we chose to ignore things, people, situations, they WILL become negative. In this case, one negative will attract another negative and NOT MAKE a positive no matter what we want to think. And that is why we have to try, as hard as things get to press on, move forward. It’s not fun, I know that first hand! Few things that we have to learn, deal with, handle are fun. BUT the funny is thing is this. Once we get past them, address them, our lives are easier! It’s just one less thing that holds us back from living our lives to the fullest!

This blog does not solely apply to me and my circumstances. It applies to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING!!! Every bill, every relationship, EVERYTHING we, you and I, have been putting off! Things, people, emotions, generally don’t go away. If, by chance, they do, it is because we have out grown the circumstance or the person OR they have let us go. Pick your poison, but swallow slowly, as it might very well kill you!

It’s a fact of life. Stop complicating the simple! And just so everyone knows, it’s been a HELL of a day and I’m beat and feel emotionally beaten. Tomorrow’s blog will have links that refer back to yesterday’s and today’s blog because I’ve been working on this blog on and off all day and can’t think straight. Just saying!

 Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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