Is Chivalry Dead?

Hi Everyone,

The modern definition of chivalry is an honourable and polite way of behaving especially toward women. In today’s society men may have difficulties with both, but is chivalry dead? I’ll let you decide. Here is today’s blog.

Men open the door for a woman she loves it. The next is ready to slam the same door in his face. Right after she tells him she can open it herself that is. They pull out the chair and stand by it until the woman seats herself, sometimes with his aid. He helps to settle her closer to the table and some women think he’s weird, too nice. Apparently nice isn’t where it’s at for some women. Nice is good, not bad.

Is that why some men don’t practice chivalry? Is it because they have been so beaten down that they now think, women wouldn’t appreciate their kind, innate gestures that they don’t bother? It could be. Men get such a bad rap sometimes that I swear they just give up on being who they really want, need to be. Yes that’s right. Men want and need to be men. They need and want to practice chivalry.

Opening doors, settling a woman in her seat, warming her with his jacket, pulling up the car, opening and holding umbrellas, giving her the last seat anywhere, holding and carrying parcels or her handbag, walking on the outside of the sidewalk, stopping to let her pass anywhere he thinks she should go first, stopping her from her walking ahead if he senses danger, calling the waiter, or just plain taking control in uncontrollable situations are some examples of how men can and want to show chivalry.

European men never give up on chivalry but men living in North America, European born or not, have an easier time of letting go of an old tradition. And that’s what it is, a tradition. It is a standard of living. It is how people, men and women were raised. Males were reprimanded for not treating any female with respect and females were frowned upon for not recognizing his efforts. Both genders, after being spoken to, if need be, learn to appreciate the efforts of the other. Or at least they did. Europeans excluded of course.

In my opinion, chivalry is only as dead as we allow it to be. And if any man doesn’t practice chivalry and you want him too, let him know, with a smile that is. The same goes if the woman doesn’t appreciate your efforts.

Overall men want to profess their love, they want to protect, and provide for the women they love. They really, truly do. But here is the rub, some men practice chivalry but still aren’t worth the time. Everyone just has to snuff everyone out.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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