“It’s None of My Business.”

Hi Everyone,

Ugh! I can’t believe that I am blogging about whose business belongs to whom. Since I don’t like repeating myself, I thought I would post a blog. Hopefully whoever reads it will feel the same as I do and spread the word, or do the same. This is what I mean.

Okay there are some things that are my business and there are A LOT of things that just aren’t. I am serious. If I was to break it down, I’d say that at most, and allowing for ever changing circumstances, 20% of let’s say “things” in my life are my business. And the remaining 80%, just aren’t because they are other people’s business. Unfortunately not everyone shares those percentages.

For whatever reason, some people actually believe that they need to know things that are not, in my opinion, remotely their business at all. I guess they are bored with their boring lives and want to collect some more dust bunnies since their grey matter isn’t moving. I don’t know. I am (thankfully) not them. That does not mean that I am not subject to their questions and statements. I am.

In my experience, (since I can’t decide what word to use, I will let you pick) the best way to deal, handle, maneuver around people “like that” is to say, “It’s none of my business.” And then I look or walk away. At times I have done both. If someone wants to know the inner workings of something, that is none of their business, I am not going to answer them. If someone else wants to that’s up to them. The majority of what people want to know about, make their business, is gossip anyway. I have zero patience for people who have nothing better to do with their time. That is especially true if they think they are going to engage me.

Now I’ve got some pretty funky looks when I have said, “It’s none of my business.” The looks of shock are my favourite! Those looks normally say, “What do you mean? How can my invaluable information/question mean nothing to you?” Or, “I’m asking because I care.” When we already know that their curious mind is minding someone else’s business, when perhaps it should be minding their own. But they are not.

If someone gives me a look of dismay, I will quickly evaluate the situational cues. Do they need to get something out of their system? I need to get things out of mine. I am human. And sometimes letting someone “spew” their emotions is good. They can move on. I know I do.

If the situational cues don’t “add up” the conversation dies. There is always someone who will try to revive the dead. When they do, I repeat myself, “It’s none of my business.”

Not allowing myself to be dragged into endless conversations of pettiness is freeing. I am serious. The best part is people rarely try that twice!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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