Something Is Going On ;D

Hi Everyone,

You know sometimes the best place to start a blog is in the middle. This is what I mean.

One of the things I do is be an Extra (Back Ground Performer) for TV shows and movies. While a bunch of us Extras were sitting around waiting, I was speaking to the man sitting beside me. I don’t even know how this conversation started but somehow I began telling him that one day I wanted a new coat but didn’t want to pay over $30 for it. When I saw one for $30 I passed on it but found a better one full length, the very next day at the Guess store for under $30 including tax! I love that coat!

Then I told him how one day as I walked into my retail job, I realized just how tired I was. I am sure this had nothing to do with my not getting any sleep because my neighbours were partying like it was 1999! Anyway, as I passed the cashier I remember thinking, “God give me something! A five, ten, no! A twenty! I want a brand new twenty! A crisp, right off the press, twenty!” A few hours later, while on my break, I found one! It was perfect and perfectly folded in half, right there in plain sight.

I had, and still have, so many examples of the above that I could go on for another 5,505 words for this year alone. I am serious. Like one day a couple of weeks ago, I just decided that I needed something. I got it a few hours later.  Three more things worked out that day.

I have been having a lot of dreams lately too. They started at the end of March and having been going strong ever since. I get it. My subconscious wants to tell me something. Because I am not “getting it,” the meaning of my dreams, I just keep having them. Dreams the length of a short film I can handle. It is when I have dreams that are as long as an extra long feature film that freak me out. They also leave me exhausted! No wonder I felt like I was 90 when my daughter stopped by when I was sick.

One night, two weeks ago, right out of the deepest purple, my ex called. That was, and wasn’t unusual. For one, I was thinking about calling him about something a few weeks before but that, “paused” so I didn’t. He denies reading my blog, but I know he reads every one. (You’re such a bad liar.I am not going to tell you your “tell” but it gets you every time.) Since I haven’t posted a blog in a very long time, I think he called to see how I was doing. When I told him, he was just about as happy as I was, which in that rare case, wasn’t very. Our conversations since have given me a chance to clear my head though.

The last little while has been interesting. Something is going on! I just wish I knew what it was.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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