The Gender Imbalance

Hi Everyone,

With less than a week before Valentine’s Day, there are some people who are still hoping they can find a Valentine in time. If you are one of those people and a heterosexual female, don’t despair. There are lots of heterosexual men looking for someone to share their lives with. This is what I mean.

Remember that one child rule China had? Well, the majority of those parents went to great lengths to have a boy. Some mothers had a few abortions to ensure that the only child they were legally allowed to have would be one. It was a great idea at the time. Having a boy meant prosperity! Having a girl meant a financial burden. Having a boy meant that he would financially help the family, marry, and procreate at least one child, which everyone secretly hoped would be a boy too. There’s a bit of a problem with that though.

With so many parents wanting and women giving birth to boys, there are now only a few females to go around. Instead of males being in demand females now dominate the relationship landscape and well, everything! It’s true. There are headhunters, looking for Chinese women to briefly date and then marry very wealthy Chinese men. Some Chinese men will pay a headhunter, who they affectionately call, matchmakers, upwards of $10,000 to walk around big cities taking pictures of Chinese women, and see if the headhunter can set up a meeting, aka date. If the date goes well, the headhunter gets paid more. Since money can be a great influencer, a lot of Chinese women are more than happy to participate. Make no mistake though, because these women know they are in demand they will not allow themselves, or their families to be short changed. Those Chinese men invest a lot of time and money wooing Chinese women for the rest of their lives, whether they marry or not.

Unfortunately if a male is born into a poor family and hasn’t been able to claw his way up the oil-slicked pole of success, his options aren’t limited, he simply doesn’t have any. Families pour their whole life savings into building a house for their only son and his future bride. That means nothing when they don’t have money to woo a hard to find female. There are countless gorgeous homes sitting on lots of land, just waiting to be occupied. Some have been playing the waiting game for years. Few Chinese women want to live in rural farming areas, with extended families, when they believe cities have more to offer. Why live with your in-laws when your in-laws can live in an apartment in the same building? Females, and their families, now have all the control they formerly lacked. With the poor males’ family financial security sunk into an empty home, and their financial future at risk, the men are now the burdens. But everyone got what they wanted.

“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get what you want,” and the saying, “More tears are shed over answered prayers, than unanswered ones,” come to mind. Too bad no one did any forward planning. Or did some of the parents of females recognize the imbalance beforehand? Anything is possible. Now Chinese females can take one of my favourite pages from Zsa Zsa Gabor. That is the women choose who they have a relationship with and not the other way around.  Mother Nature and life have a funny way of working themselves out. Mess with either and you’ll eventually be crying more tears than you ever expected!

If you don’t have a Valentine this year, don’t despair, you might have one next year. There is someone for everyone. Maybe you have to put yourself out there a bit more. Of maybe all you have to do is send a picture of yourself to one of those Chinese headhunters. If that doesn’t work out, take a quick trip to the Chinese country side. You may fall in love and be married before you know it!

Here are some links to past blogs regarding relationships,

 (This one has a few links to other blogs related to Valentine’s Day.)

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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