Hunchback Nations?

Hi Everyone,

Six years ago my daughter and I saw one of her former classmates. Neither of us had seen this girl for years. When my daughter said, “There’s so and so,” I quickly asked, “Really? It doesn’t look like her. Are you sure?” At first I didn’t recognize her.

Not only had she gained weight, she also had a hunchback. Because my daughter and I were in a hurry we didn’t have time to stop and speak with her. As I watched the young girl walk, her hunchback became more obvious.

I wondered what happened in her life. Since she was about 16 years old I guessed she was still in school. Did she get her hunchback from working at her desk at school and home? Was it because she was playing video games? Was she constantly hunching over a cell phone? I don’t know. I did however strongly suggest to my daughter that she very mindful of her posture.

Am I the only one who has noticed that there are a GROWING number of people who have hunchbacks? If you haven’t, look around. It’s downright scary! It’s almost like every where I look, I see someone with one. This can’t be isolated to Canada. Or is it?

Now I recognize that a lot of people have jobs or professions that require them to position their bodies in unfavourable positions. BUT, BUT, a lot of people do not! From my observations, I have noticed a lot of people literally hunching over their cell phones. Texting is now the rage, but people still email and talk on their cell phones too. Some of those people even play video games and read in a hunched manner.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I take my posture very seriously. This is partly because when I saw that young girl, I thought, “Wow! That can’t be healthy. And it looks bad too.” Since then, I have been constantly pushing my shoulders back no matter where I am or what I am doing. I also ensure that I straighten my back when I read.

If you have concerns with your posture, here is a link to a YouTube video to prevent, correct, or at least improve a hunchback. It is called, 5 Exercises to Fix Hunchback Posture and it is 4:07 minutes in length,

I know it is easy to slouch on the couch, hunch over a cell phone, book or video game. But is it worth getting a hunchback? Technology changes all the time. Our bodies are with us for the rest of our lives. If you allow yourself to have a hunchback, there is a possibility that you may never straighten your back and/or spine. Please consider that.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!

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