Mr. Mental 2

Hi Everyone,

Since my first blog on July 18th, 2013, about Mr. Mental, I can honestly say that he hasn’t come anywhere near ANY of my windows.  (Here’s the link to that blog, ) There are a few reasons for this. One reason, I believe is that someone “spoke” to him. Regardless, mission accomplished. Mr. Mental doesn’t come anywhere near my windows or me and I don’t go anywhere near him.

As I mentioned in that blog, Mr. Mental, I did not like the fact that I lowered myself in order to get my point across. After some more thought I recognized that I behaved in that manner because not only was I under a lot of stress, I also felt very unprotected, unsafe. I actually told The Ex, (when he decided to call that is) about Mr. Mental, my behaviour and why I believed I freaked out.

Then I realized that because I have always been the protector of my daughter and myself, it has probably finally got to me. After all of those years, of my doing everything from providing, fixing things and solving problems, I may not need a man in my life, but I do want to be protected, from the Big Bad World.

At 100 pounds I can feel very vulnerable at times. Security has always been an issue with me. It is so important to me, that I even know what percentage of the cost of a yacht should be used for a security system, why and where on the yacht. Just for the record, I also know what percentage of the cost of a home should be used for security purposes too.

The three things that a man is supposed to do for a woman are,

1) provide

2) protect and

3) profess their love.

The above can be found in Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. (Here’s the link to that blog,

When I reread the book, Deal Breakers, (here’s the link to that blog, I recognized just how bad the one Deal Breaker I have with the Ex is. When I told him exactly how unprotected I felt, how scared I have been lately and all of the stress, Deal Breaker #1, took second place over my feeling protected.

Women need that. I know that. I just didn’t know how badly my feeling unprotected had affected me and my overall behavior. Had the Ex called, I could have spoken to him about it and maybe he could have helped me “fix” Mr. Mental before it went too far. Maybe if I had told one of the neighbours, Mr. Mental would have stopped. Who knows. The bottom line is it happened, I know more about myself today than I did before, and THE EX, is THE EX for a few good reasons.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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