A Fetish? ;D

Hi Everyone,

I guess it was about 16 years before when I was a playground with my daughter and looked at one of my then neighbour’s feet and kind of freaked out. This is what I mean.

Her feet were the WORST I have ever seen! I couldn’t believe it. The bottom of her feet looked like they could saw through a log and her toenails were long, rough and jagged. Because her feet were in such bad shape, I blurted, “Oh my God! You could kill someone with those feet!” She just looked at me and said she was going to do her feet that night. To me, it looked like her feet were going to be, what I affectionately call, an all day event!

So do I have a foot fetish? Kind of. I probably look at my feet more than I look at other peoples. But I still look at other peoples feet, especially the feet of men who I would consider dating. The reason for this is like that saying about shoes. Something about a man’s shoes tells you his economic position and the way he cares for himself. If his shoes are clean, neat and polished, it implies that he takes care of himself because he respects himself and his money.  The same saying works for watches by the way. I have a few great watches and I take care of my feet because I respect myself, my time and my money.

But what do I do if I am interested in a man who doesn’t take good care of his feet? Well, I used to do that for them. Yes, that’s right. I would wash and massage a man’s feet and provided I had a foot file, toenail clippers, nail file and foot cream I would address his feet. Just for the record, the most appreciative male and the most memorable time I did that was in a kitchen sink as we sat on the kitchen counter and talked. And I didn’t have the foresight to bring a foot file but his feet were in pretty good shape to begin with. ;D Men LOVE this by the way!

Now the benefits, outside of the above saying, that I can’t remember, hence my skirting around it, are as follows. For one our feet carry us all day. If our feet are uncomfortable, or not taken care of, we will feel it. Second, when we address our feet, we actually walk better. The third and probably the most important is that our feet need regular circulation and not from walking. As humans, we really do need to massage our feet, file our heels, another form of massage, and use creams to soften our heels. Don’t believe me if you want, but all of the above is true.

I do my own feet at home because spas, even high end ones have been known to not sterilize their foot massagers and utensils properly. That can cause flesh eating diseases and some people have actually had their toes, feet and rare cases, parts of their legs amputated just so everyone knows. I do my feet a lot, but I don’t always paint my toenails. This is because after I do my feet, I slather them in cream, put thick socks on and wear them over night. That really softens up my heels, meaning that I don’t have to file my feet as often, thereby respecting my time. Actually I spend more time on my feet than I do on my hands.

If you want to attract the right kind of person in your life, do your feet! Not only will you feel better, walk better, but our feet say a lot about us. Even to people who may not have a bit of fetish, like I think I do.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D  

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