The Voices of Reason

Hi Everyone,

As I am sure we all know there are some unreasonable people in the world who try and sometimes succeed in making our lives more challenging than they need to be. That is when the voices of reason come in handy. This is what I mean.

The voices of reason are my friends, confidants, who I communicate with any time I can’t seem to reason with the unreasonable. All of them are older than me and I have known them for years, some decades. Each of them is different. That helps.

Their varying professions and life experiences coupled with street smarts give me a different perspective if I need one. When I don’t they empathize and advise me accordingly. Everyone needs that.

One of my voices of reason is my favourite cousin. The other is his wife. From the people I trust, they are the only ones who know each other. This eliminates the probability of gossip. Not one of us has, or makes time for that. All of us are working on building our lives, our dreams. Our conversations are brief. We get to the point. I like that.

I refrain from discussing the same things with each of them. Occasionally, some things do overlap though. I trust each of them equally for different things.

The reason I am telling you this is because there are good people out there who do have a moral compass. They are worth getting to know. They are worth speaking with. They are worth listening to.  Unfortunately a lot of people aren’t.

Choose your friends, your confidants wisely. They will lift your spirits, correct you. They will help you with your dreams. Not everyone will. Personal agendas can override the best of us. Be mindful of who has your ear.  Don’t listen to just anyone. Some people aren’t worth your time, listening to. Some people, for reasons they may not even know, will try to crush your dreams. All of our lives, our dreams are worth living, fighting for. Find your voices of reason and eliminate some people from your life. The year has just begun and it belongs to you. Grab it and don’t let go!

Here is a link to yesterday’s blog. The link, Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren, has a lot of links that pertain to this blog,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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