“It’s the Simple Things….”

Hi Everyone,

Happy Monday! If you live in Ontario, a province in Canada, as I do, then you most likely have today off as it is Family Day. It is a holiday created to encourage people to enjoy their time with their families now that everything is open on Sundays. You know, the former Family Day. Here is today’s blog.

This blog originated from a conversation I had with someone earlier this year. As we were speaking, they said, “It’s the simple things.” I quickly agreed and laughingly said, “Yes. It’s the simple things in life that have always made me happy.” But how many of us really think about the simple things or know how to recognize them? If you need some examples please continue reading.

Bay Street in Toronto is always a wind tunnel. Walking against the wind on a cold Canadian morning, I vowed to take the subway home. For whatever reason, I decided to get a free paper I normally don’t read and made a slight detour. After I opened the news box and looked down, there amid the snow and slush was a subway token. I smiled and picked it up. It’s been at least three years, but I still smile every time I see that news box.

As I was walking home in the warmth of my local mall I was thinking of this blog.  Two young girls about thirteen years of age were skipping out of a store. Both were laughing and playfully interacting with the other. I remember doing that with my friends at their age. It was fun.  My mind filled with childhood memories.

Years ago, one hot summer night I took my daughter and her friend Chelsea to Dairy Queen. While sitting on the full patio both suddenly broke into song and then dance. Everyone stopped eating and talking to enjoy their show. When it was over, even people inside the Dairy Queen applauded and cheered them. Good clean fun of the young can be hard to come by in public places. No one within earshot was going to allow a rare occurrence as that go unnoticed. It was great!

The above don’t happen every day but the following can. This is what I mean. Open and hold the door for someone. Help someone get on or off a bus, train or out of a car, especially in this weather. Smile at people! If you pass a mirror at home, smile at yourself! It does wonders for us and others. Start prepping yourself before you head out the door. People like warm, happy people in any weather and environment.

Get out and about! Go to the AGO if you can. Smile and talk to people. Make someone’s life easier! It’s the simple things in life that really count. When things are broken down to their smallest form, everything is simple. Stop complicating life and the things and people in it. Life is short. No one is getting any younger. Enjoy the ride. Find, create ways to laugh, to smile at least once a day! Life is far more interesting, exciting, when we decide to see past our eye-lids!

Here are some related links,



Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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