“I Know That…”

Hi Everyone,

I know that I haven’t blogged for a long time. There are a few reasons for this. One is that I have been extremely time poor. Sleep was a luxury I decided I could not afford. Another reason is that the backslash and the question mark key do not work on the laptop I am currently blogging from. I know that I could copy and paste both but for now I’ll just use the number key (#) to replace the question mark. I know that is a cop-out but that is what I am going with. Here is today’s blog.

I know that…

I am proud of my daughter and not a lot of people can say that.

there are a lot of people who have children. When they decide to raise them, I’ll call them parents.

I believe that birds of a feather flock together and that eagles fly alone. And yes, I know that eagles are on the endangered list.

there are more cons than pros to gossiping. Gossip is not my thing.

talking to some people is like talking to a brick wall. At times I just can’t help but wonder if all the bricks are securely in place or if they are all there to begin with. Just saying!

people think in silent what I say and blog about and that they are happy. 🙂

I am genetically blessed. I can eat whatever I want whenever I want and not worry about gaining weight. Okay, if I eat enough to fill all seven stomaches of a cow, I am sure to gain something.

I work out almost every day because just the thought of getting a gunt makes all seven layers of my skin crawl!

I begrudge paying for the (TTC) streetcar when I am standing on the bottom step and the driver can barely close the doors because there are other people standing on the bottom step with me. I would call the other people passengers but under those circumstances, really# (question mark replacement) Deciding between waiting for another streetcar and being late for work always pisses me off.

when I listen to music I can write all night but, that’s all for now. And that there will be other blogs in the near future.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  🙂


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