Got an Opinion on “Rich People”?

Hi Everyone,

Just as I was thinking about this blog last Tuesday, I heard someone speaking negatively about “rich people” and it pissed me off. This is why.

I have no idea how you define “rich people” but the definition changes all the time. I really don’t have a definition yet I do know that there are some people in the world who think of anyone who has more money than them is rich. Others think that if someone has something they want, then that person is rich. Most of us have experienced both of the above definitions at some point in our lives. I know I have.

For decades I have had a clear understanding that we live in a disposable world, meaning that some things that look expensive, aren’t. I also know that “rich people” have usually sacrificed something to get what they have. You know, whatever the thing, experience that others have a hard time with.

Sacrificing my time to get things that I want is not something that I enjoy. Sure, I tell, even sell myself on the idea, but few people in my life really understand. I juggle things all the time. Racing from one point to another, not having time for a coffee, having time to eat or sleep is my norm. Because I want to get ahead in life, I do it—everyday! Whether I want to or not, I GRIND. If I am not moving, I am not moving forward. It is that simple. Not everyone can do that because their want isn’t strong enough. Mine is. Just for the record, not a lot of people would consider me rich.

It is easy to sit back and have a negative opinion about “rich people”. I get it. But here is the thing, if you aren’t willing to do what “rich people” have done to get to where they are, maybe you should ask yourself who you should have a negative opinion about. It may be you. Just saying.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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