Public Bathrooms Vs the Public

Hi Everyone,

There are some things in life I just can’t make up. This is what I mean.

Yesterday I had a 1:30 pm appointment at St. Mike’s Hospital on Queen Street, in Toronto. Since I was early I thought I would get a coffee from the McDonald’s down street. On my way there I noticed a female squatting in the back alley. As I got closer I saw she as peeing! I am serious! A female (sic) was peeing in the alley behind the McDonald’s! When I asked her why she didn’t just go into the McDonald’s to use the bathroom, she said, “There’s a huge line up and I had to go!” And then she cursed because she spilt whatever coloured liquid was  inside her water bottle. I may have forgotten about my coffee yet I will not forget what I saw. I have repeated this story a few times, always adding, “If people want us to treat them like humans, then they should stop behaving like animals! Because animals shit and piss outside at all times of the day.  We’ve all known how to hold it until we get to a bathroom since we were ten!”

The third person I told said she saw a man lower his pants and do his #2 in a park in the middle of the afternoon! I am telling you this because some people think there aren’t enough public bathrooms but there are. Since I know what park my friend was in when she saw that man defecating, I know that depending on the day of the week, there was one if not two public bathrooms available for him to use. He just chose not to. And then there is something else we should consider.

Maybe the problem is there are a lot of problem people who are known to businesses and employees aren’t letting them use the bathroom. While in a stall I saw someone massage the floor with one hand and then the next. I am pretty sure that person had an issue.

I know that some drug users and drug abusers go to public bathrooms to use and then 5 to 35 minutes later they try to flush needles down toilets. That is true even if there is a Needle Drop Box in the bathroom less than 3 feet away from them! Just for the record, most of the time, the needles get stuck in the pipe and the public bathroom is closed until Toronto Public Health can go and retrieve the needle(s). The business has to pay for that twice. Once with their profits to unplug the toilet and then the second time because they don’t have a public bathroom for other patrons to use. If you had a business with one or two bathrooms you would pick and choose who you let into your bathrooms too!

If people want to do their business in someone else’s business then they should be respectful. Rent in Toronto is very expensive, profit margins are small and there is a lot of competition. Using the bathroom, in my opinion, is not a right, it is a privilege. If people insist on abusing their privileges it is no mystery to me as to why using the bathroom is not an option for them. Just saying.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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