Hi Everyone,
Up until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know a lot about Lance Armstrong because honestly, I couldn’t have cared less. When I heard that he won 7 Tour de France races, my thought process was probably something like, “Okay. What’s the weather like.” Click to the next channel.
For whatever reason I just didn’t trust him. In some way, he reminded me of someone I know who is sneaky, mean and out for themselves. That person is now angelic compared to Lance. That is still not a compliment to either one of them, by the way.
His snow job that he allowed to snow ball into the media circus that we have the choice of being subject to, has met the burning need for justice. Now that most of the snow has finally melted we have seen a glimpse of Lance Armstrong and his negative behaviour. Lance went to GREAT lengths to protect himself and his, in my opinion, inflated ego but Lance is not alone.
Lance Armstrong and a few people that I know will continue to selfishly say and/or do whatever it takes to protect themselves and their egos. Lance is now under more scrutiny for his past actions but for about 13 years he had a lot of people believing what he was selling! The same, to a lesser degree of course, is true about the few people that I know.
Like Lance they have savagely discredited others even though they were in the wrong! Like Lance people are believing them.
How do I feel about Lance Armstrong now? I’ve had my fill. That is also how I feel about the few people that I know who have also chosen to behave in the negative ways that they do. Because it is a decision. Fess up or shut up! Lance isn’t the one who isn’t looking too good lately.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! 😀