Thursday August 29th, 2019

Hi Everyone,

Everything is timing, I am not very creative and truth really is stranger than fiction. This is what I mean.

So yesterday I posted a blog called, Toronto’s Homelessness. It was a topic I have been thinking about for a while yet finally decided to write it. A few hours after I posted that blog I, like every other normal person who wants to get ahead in life, chose to do one last errand from Friday’s to-do list. Just after 9 pm, I grabbed a bag of stained clothes to take up to H&M for my $5 coupon. As I crossed Victoria street on my to Yonge and Dundas Square, I saw two young men stretched out on the steps. One looked like he was stratching his bare belly with a needle. I am serious. From the two security guards who appoached them, one was on a walkie and another was on the way.

Okay, I thought. I have seen people strung out on drugs. I mean, the safe injection site, called The Works, is what, 26.43 metres from where these two guys are. It makes sense. Off I went to H&M to drop off the stained clothes to get my $5 coupon. Since the store was about to close I only took a few moments to look around. On my way back home, there was a bit of commotion in the square. The two guys who were lying on the steps before were now bouncing off imaginery walls. One was repeatedly tossing a large jug filled a quarter of the way with a purple liquid in the air and catching it as he taunted a EMS worker. When I looked at the other guy I noticed that there were 6 police officers, 4 EMS workers and 4 fire fighters in the area. All were trying to calm these two guys down but it was useless.


The security guards and all the employees of the city of Toronto looked like they were herding feral cats. Those two guys had them coming and going and I wasn’t the only person watching. So many people had to move out of the way out of harms way, it was ridiculous!

At some point one of the guys headed over to, The Works and the other followed. Both walked straight into on coming traffic on their way. The city workers went their separte ways, the security guards kept a look out and everyone else went back to whatever it was they were doing. One of the guys left The Works shortly after he arrived and bounced back into the public eye acting higher than he was before. Is this what we want tourists to remember of Toronto when they visit? I guess so. The Works is in one the most popular tourist areas of the city. Anyway…

Now I don’t know about you, but if I had a choice I wouldn’t want to live beside one of those guys would you? Probably not. And that is is one of the reasons why rent, is so expensive in Toronto. Landlords weed out tenants with the cost of their rent.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


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