Hi Everyone,
Each of us should know what makes their present, (or future), significant other tick. With Valentine’s Day around the corner I thought I would use myself as an example for ways people sometimes think that they know the person they love or are vying for but don’t.
I am sure that a lot of people would think that books are my first love but they aren’t. I love books, all kinds of them. I love reading and I read every day, but they aren’t the way to my heart. If anyone reading this knows me, I think that they would be shocked to know that…
The way to my heart is GREAT FOOD and LOTS OF IT! 😀
It’s true! I may be 105 pounds, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to eat GREAT FOOD more than anyone knows or could have guessed. ;D
What type of food? Mostly meals that I don’t have to make. ;D
Well there are some foods that I don’t eat, or will only eat after a couple shots of hot sake, but that’s all that I am saying. This blog isn’t about me.
It is simply a way for people to recognize that their present, (or future) significant other may have a few needs/wants that aren’t clear to those in their life.
In honour of St.Valentine, the next few blogs also relate to love. I hope that they are helpful. Tomorrow’s blog may be a bit of shock, so BUCKLE UP! It is called, Allan Gregg In Conversation.
Is this a rant? It could be.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Show up unprepared,
If you don’t like my poem, then just how would your significant other will feel if you do show up unprepared. Not very happy I am sure. So take this blog as you will, but remember, you have been forewarned.
Love and Valentine’s Day are always a two way street ladies. (Just saying)
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! 😀