Does THIS Really Matter? ;D

Hi Everyone,

I first heard about this about 4-5 years ago and thought it was interesting. I started to really look at my past relationships and found a pattern. This is what I mean.

When we are first attracted to someone our emotions can take over before we decide to take the time to learn just where the person we are interested in fits into their family. Or what their birth order is. Were they the first, middle or baby of the family. Were they the only child? Or did they get lost in the mix because they had so many siblings?

Does THIS really matter? Yes!!! And psychologist, Dr. Kevin Leman has proven it in his book, The Birth Order Book. The subtitle is, Why You Are The Way You Are. This book was first published in 1985 and it is still available in trade paper, eBook and audio book. And I have watched an interview with Dr. Kevin Leman regarding this book in the last few months. The theory has staying power. That says a lot!

Because I believe that birth order is very important, I always ask someone I am interested in where they are in the family tree. Like how many siblings they have, the gender of their siblings, and how many years apart each sibling is from the others. I do this because, (as I mentioned above), I have noticed a pattern. And that pattern is an indication of who I am interested in and why. That pattern also serves as a warning of who I should be wary of.

Since I have already dated someone from every birth order, I already know what works for me, meaning who I will get along with the best. Remember that whole nature vs. nurture theory we all have some knowledge of? Well, it plays out in birth orders too. And that is the caveat, hence my asking how many years apart one sibling, or siblings, are from the male I am interested in.

I recommend that everyone reading this blog take some time to get the book, in whatever format works for you, to learn more about this. Why? Well, there is a pattern and there is a lot of information that everyone could learn about themselves, their past, present, future significant others and the other people in their lives.

Just this morning, as I was reading an excerpt from the book, I realized something that I forgot about the birth order that works for me!

Is this a rant? Yes! We have all dated someone who we were first infatuated with yet didn’t get along with weeks or months later and didn’t know why. And we have all dated someone who we got along with very well. In most cases we didn’t know why. The common demoninator could very well have been birth order.

Tomorrow’s blog is a bit on the lighter side but it is still something that each of us, (including me) should do more often!

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D  



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