Hi Everyone,
I have been getting ready for 2020 for the last few weeks. This is why.
Habits can take a while to form. It is really hard to go into something 100% from the start and not quit a short while later. Like working out.
Has anyone gone to a gym, worked out one day only to feel the results the one or two days later? I have. Not only could I not move, I didn’t want to go back. So I didn’t. Of course that was back when my body really didn’t need me to. Present day is a bit different. Things are going a bit south before I am. Thankfully muscle has memory. But this time around I have been easing myself into an exercise routine. That way I can begin to form the habit, feel a bit of the burn everyone instructor wants you to feel, (and trust me I am feeling it) I can see some results and I can build on my regime. This keeps me working out everyday, even if it is only for a few minutes. The key is to keep at it. Or as they say, never miss twice, which translates into never miss more than two days or two times.
Another thing I have eased myself into is reading at least one fiction book a month. Which actually was harder to accomplish than one would think. I read a lot books, that is for sure, yet I have only read non-fiction books for years, or well decades. Sure the odd ficiton once every one to two years but that is really pushing it. For anyone who is interested, I am on my third fiction book this month. After I finish this one it will be back to non-fiction for me until January though.
Money is something everyone works on. The easiest way for me to get it under control was to start small. Kind of like easing into it, you know like I am doing with working out. I saved a bit before I paid down some of my debt. Having money in the bank gave me a bit of confidence and that was encouraging. Watching my bank balance grow kept me from hating my debt which got easier to pay every month. It was such a relief to have paid every last digital cent a few months ago.
Things only feel hard or time-consuming when we can’t fit them into our lives long enough to see results. That is why we have to experiment with our timetable and finances. Scheduling things that are important to us will make us happier, productive people. Besides, if you get into the habit of doing something you will miss it. There are still 15 days before January 1st.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D