Book: Braving the Wilderness, by Brene Brown

Hi Everyone,

A friend who knows I read a lot of non-fiction gave me Brene Brown’s book, Braving the Wilderness. I recommend it. This is why.

If you want to get out of your comfort zone, yet aren’t ready to die on your feet, but want to take a stand, this is a great book to help you with that. One of the things I really liked about this book is that it confirms a lot of about myself because I have been willingly and (to some degree) unwillingly, Braving the Wilderness, for most of my life. It took me years, if not decades, to be okay with some parts yet others were easily, quickly embraced.

People who live in the wilderness and happen to be parents can’t help but raise their child or children in the wilderness too. My daughter is no different. And yes, that means she had a very different upbringing, that she affectionately calls, “unconventional”. I admit that it was. Since our children are our children for all of our lives, I still push and encourage her to be different in every way possible.

The last thing I want for my daughter is to be like everyone else. P.T. Barnum said, “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” And it is true. Not only is being like everyone else boring, why strive to be mediocre when you can strive to be excellent at something that actually makes you happy and feel alive.

When you are like everyone else, it is very easy for others lead you by the nose and step on your toes because they know full well that you won’t say or do anything. The term for that is, “sheepole”.  Sheep are easily led to the slaughter.

If you don’t want to questions things, form and than voice an opinion, that is up to you. The same is true if you choose not to explore the different things that life has to offer. At the same time, remember not to criticize or judge people because of what they have or have done.

But hey, if you want to break free of the norm and don’t want to be a “sheepole” for the rest of your life, read, Braving the Wilderness, by Brene Brown.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  😀

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