Hi Everyone,
Augusten Burroughs is an amazing author. This is what I mean.
Sometimes I like to take transit to work even though there is a shuttle available. Shuttles to and from TV shows and movies are a crap shoot. We either get a school bus, a mini-van or a luxury bus with a bathroom. The shuttle is either packed with Background, crew, writers, direcIt tors and anyone else in film who needs or wants a ride. Or the shuttle is empty and you are bouncing around praying you don’t get whiplash before you start work. If that sounds like that is fun, we clearly have a different sense of humour. I like, no, love comfort. The odd time transit is just that. And it was. Not only did I get to work half an hour before my call time, I had me time.
Since there was a huge line to sign into work, and I was early, I went to the mall across the street in search of the Coles I go to when I am in Hamilton. Relieved that was still there, I walked around and it was there that I found, Love and Wonder, by Augusten Burroughs. A smile filled my face and I am pretty sure that I giggled a little, but quickly covered my mouth. If you are not a book lover or a semi-avid reader you may not understand. Lucky for me, the cashier understood as she too, is a fan of Augusten Burroughs. He is the best memoirist I have every read. Which is a compliment as I read over 70 non-fiction books a year, the majority of them being memoirs or biographies.
So what makes Augusten Burroughs so good? or great? He has had a wide variety of life experiences and he is willing to share them with his readers. If you thought you had a dysfuntional family you should read, Running with Scissors. It was a best-seller and adapated into a film. It is my favourite with, This Is How, as a close second before I read, Lust and Wonder.
I love that book. It too is brutally honest, which at times is heart-breaking. All I am going to say is, realtionships can really suck as they suck the life out of you. Dreams really do have a purpose. Follow your heart and listen to yourself. If you get a nagging feeling, don’t ignore it. It is telling you something for a reason.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D
PS Read every book by Augusten Borroughs at least twice.