Hi Everyone,
Since each of us has some feminine energy, any one of us could be a, “Little Miss Ridiculous”. This is what I mean.
Sometimes people piss me off–a lot. I know, quelle surprise. The only reason I can come up with, is that I have zero patience for BS. And that, in a roundaboutway is how the title of this blog came about.
Every once in a while I get a word or two stuck in my head, kind of like an ear worm. You know when you can’t stop the same lyrics from playing over and over in your head. Which, of course, is worse when you can’t remember the title of the song. I am telling you this because for a while there the only word that kept running through my head was the word ridiculous. And I would say it all the time too. “That’s ridiculous,” or “They are ridiculous,” or “She’s ridiculous” until I remembered the song, “Little Miss S” by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians.
According to Wikipedia, the lyrics of, “Little Miss S,” are said to describe just another one of those famous dead people. To me that could mean someone who has lost their life or someone who is dead to the public, you know, not top or bottom of anyone’s mind. In the song, “Little Miss S” is a trainwreck who either drags other people with her or allows other people to drag her down. In other words, Little Miss S is not someone a mentally and emotionally strong person would want in their life for any length of time. But since each of us has some feminine energy, everyone of us has been a trainwreck–more than once and in varying forms. That is a rite of passage that some people pass through more than once. And that is okay if the people in your life accept, want that. It’s just that a lot of us, you know, people like me, don’t.
I, like a lot of people, have my own life and have to deal with all the BS that goes into a day that I am trying to get through without behaving like Little Miss Ridculous. You know the people who could piss me off if I let them. Although there are a lot of times I feel sorry for some people. This is especially true when they are so incredibly insecure that the only time they can bully someone is when they have one or more of their friends beside them for (im)moral support.
I could go on, but life is getting shorter all the time.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D