Does Toronto Have A Panhandling Problem?–Part1

Hi Everyone,

Since this is going to be at least a two part blog, if you don’t think Toronto has a panhandling problem, I do. This is what I mean.

The first thing I should do is define panhandling. It is asking for a handout, which is more than money. It can be someone quietly sitting on the sidewalk without a sign or asking for money. It could also be someone asking you to buy them or give them food or something to drink, give them a ride, a transit token or clothes. Panhandlers sit, stand and even walk while panning.

The term panhandling came about because a person’s outreaching hand looks like a pan and the person’s arm looks like a handle. When I first read that I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration until of course I saw a man begging in front of the liquor store without a cup, or cap and his hand out and his shirt rolled up to his elbows. He looked exactly like the definition.

The reason this blog is at least two parts is because there are two kinds of panhandlers–passive and aggressive. I have seen both. In this blog I will focus on the passive panhandlers.

For whatever reason passive panhandlers just love me which is strange since I rarely give them anything. I have had people walk right up to me asking me for money. One day a young woman asked me for, “A bit of money for some food?” as I was walking. Since she started walking alongside me, I stopped and pointed to a church across the street and said, “They always have food.” I don’t think she was happy that I knew that yet it is true. The church I pointed at really always has food. The remants of their meals are left on the sidewalks. I haven’t seen her since.

Another day a young man literally runs and then slides on his knees up to me and put his hands in front of himself as if he was begging for his life as he asked me for money. I have seen him twice in just over two years sliding on his knees. If he wasn’t so polite I would classify him as an aggressive panhandler.

I have had people come up to me on the street, in the Union Station train and bus terminal. Some hold doors for gas stations, shopping malls or sit by grocery stores. My favourite of course are those that sit in front of the liqour or beer store. Now what do you think they have in mind?  ;D

When I used to smoke, I would give cigarettes to a few guys on a regular basis. If I gave them money I don’t remember although I do remember giving one a pair of socks I had in my bag. Now that I don’t smoke, I do give money to one of those two men that I see. He is deaf and since I first met him, in 2012, or 2013 he has just started to learn to speak. It’s actually pretty cool. The other person I give money to is also deaf. I have never heard him try to speak though.

There are a growing number of panhandlers on the streets of Toronto. In fact I have seen more people panning this year, and remember it is only the begining of June, than I have all of last year.  For anyone who thinks I am exaggerating try to walk on Yonge Street without having someone ask you for money. And be mindful of where you step as there are a lot of panhandlers sitting or standing amongst those sleeping on the sidewalks. The other streets of Toronto aren’t exempt. People panhandle everywhere.

So yes. I very much think Toronto has a panhandling problem.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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