Hi Everyone,
All I can say is that using opioids or any drug to ease pain is reverse logic. This is what I mean.
Everyone is going to go through something that is going to disappoint, hurt them. That is a given. It is also called life. And for anyone who hasn’t figured it out, life is not perfect. It never has been, never will be. And that is what really pisses me off. Because for whatever reason some people think it is okay, or acceptable to use drugs to help them heal, ease the pain of life. But is it?
How do people deal with life when they are numb, when they are high? The answer is they don’t. But everyone else has to deal with their own issues and the life of those who choose to do drugs. Which for anyone who hasn’t (again) figured out, is really a life of more pain than what they had to begin with.
Am I the only one who has watched the news, a documentary, a YouTube video, read a memoir, read a paper or seen first hand the pain that people repeatedly choose to put themselves through because they use and in some cases abuse drugs? News flash, I can’t be, because of all the decades of news segments, documentaries, YouTube videos, memoirs, newspaper and let’s not forget magazine articles about people who use and abuse drugs.
Not one of us is invincible. For anyone to think that they will not become addicted to drugs like heroin, crack (cocaine), cocaine, fentanyl is just well…dumb. You will. And you need your head read because that level of wrong-headedness is just a lie you need to tell yourself between fixes.
If anyone is thinking about trying to sell me on the one or more reasons as to why they do drugs, save your breath. I am not buying anything. If that sounds harsh, so be it. I know that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have gone to hell and back and worked out their issues without doing drugs.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D