Fruit Hunters Both Links

Hi Everyone,

One day last week as I was scanning through the channels I came across an episode of, The Nature of Things, that deals with fruit hunters. Fruit hunters are people who are very passionate about fruits. They travel all over the world tasting and finding new fruits and ways to preserve them before they become extinct.

I just finished watching the episode online. It is an interesting history of the fruits that we currently see in our grocery stores today and it is a predictor of what we may see in the future. And the future looks really good! Hmmm.

If anyone is wondering, I have updated this bolg to include both of the Fruit Hunter links. 

Here is the link to the first video. It is 44:43 minutes in length and it is worth watching.

Here is the link to the second video. It is 44:49 minutes in length and it too is worth watching,

Is this a rant? If it isn’t to you , it is to me. For one, I have never heard about fruit hunters AND I never gave any thought as to how fruits are discovered or how and why we have fruits, like cherries here in North America.

One would think that I would have heard about fruit hunters before now. Maybe I have, 10 years ago and totally forgot about them. Or maybe I never heard of them at all. I would like to think I have some knowledge about this, but I am not sure. My head has been in different industries lately.

With that said, I do know that we need to eat 8 oranges today to get the same nutritional value of an orange from about 30 years ago because the soil is depleted of nutrients. That’s one of the reasons that fruits nowadays generally don’t taste like the fruits that we grew up with.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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