Every decade deserves a few changes. This is what I mean.
If this is the first time to my blog then welcome to my new blog theme. It is long over due! As of today, Sunday December 29th, 2019, this blog is just a black and white version of the original. There is still a lot to be done so expect to see something new in the coming days. This is one change everyone can see.
Other changes that you can’t see are a bit more personal. For instance, I have a new phone number. There are a few reasons for that. One is that I have lived in Toronto for over four years and it was about time I got rid of the 289 area code. I also thought it was easier to change my number than explain to some people that I like, yet never see, that I can’t keep having the same conversations every few weeks or months. Familiarity breeds contempt.
Changing my phone number was also the easiest way to change the male energy in my life. New decade, new energy. That also means that I am not going to put up with anyone’s BS. Since I could not seem to convince some people that I meant what I said, they can sit and spin. I am not going to explain nor am I going to complain. I am done.
I am however still purging my belongings, sorting through papers and organizing. Things are moving along. But you know how it is, some days are better, more productive, than others and I am okay with that.
I am looking forward to 2020 and beyond. I hope you are too. If not, do the best you can with what you have. Life has a way of working itself out.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D