Is This Reverse Logic At Its Best?

Is This Reverse Logic At Its Best?

Hi Everyone,

This blog came about from a conversation I had with someone years ago. And I have to tell you, had I not thought about what they said, I would have believed anything else that came out of their mouth. Instead, I now pay closer attention to what everyone says and their actions that follow. Today’s blog could also be called, I Can’t Make This Sh*T Up, or Stop Buying What They Are Selling. This is what I mean.

It was early to mid-2015. Back then, I smoked (cigarettes) and as all smokers at work, I was outside with the other smokers. It was a nice sunny kind if warm day when I went out and heard part of a conversation. “What was that?” I asked of the person I knew from seeing at work, yet didn’t know. She repeated herself by saying, “Yea, so I started smoking again, because I’ve been gaining weight  from the alcohol.” She went on for another sentence or so and I have to tell you, by the time she finished, she made sense! I actually believed that it was a great idea. As I went inside, I wondered, Do other people know about this? She had me convinced that her “weight-loss” program was better than sliced bread, until I thought of what she said.

Okay so I am going to admit, I didn’t really like her for a variety of really great reasons. And I still don’t like her. And it was my having more than a handful of really great reasons to not like her that had me replay what she said. It was then that I realized her reverse logic and my stupidity for believing her!

Who in their right, or even wrong mind, restarts smoking in hopes of losing the weight that they have gained from all the sugar in the alcohol they have been drinking? Answer? Someone who employs reverse logic at its best, that’s who. Why not quit drinking alcohol or cutting back? Why not work out? Lots of people work out just so they can maintain their weight and figure to keep drinking. Am I the only one who has seen an episode of the Real Housewives?  While I am on the topic, the Real Housewives eat a lot of salad and eat well over all. So why not eat better to counter the alcohol? Why have what a lot of people consider to be two really bad habits when you could have one that you could off-set with exercise?

I could go one yet I won’t. Life is short and it is getting shorter all the time. So is my patience when it comes to anyone who tries to convince me of their reverse logic.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


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