Just as part one, this blog could also be called, I Can’t Make This Sh*t Up, because this seems unreal yet it is. This is what I mean.
According to an article in the Washington Examiner titled, Coronavirus hits the poor the hardest, but the rich claim more emotional damage, poor people are more resilient. Even though they are losing their jobs, or are going to work during the pandemic because they financially have to or their employers are threatening to fire them, they are taking it is stride whereas the people between the poor and upper-middle class are claiming that they are suffering emotionally. Now I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to be around an emotionally fragile rich person. I do wonder though, what the well-being of the wealthy is.
Before COVID-19, essential workers were police officers, fire fighters, a handful of people who worked in the medical profession and transit employees. Now an essential worker is anyone who is employed at a grocery store, pharmacy, liquor, beer and dollar store. Basically, every job that people would look down on. Saving lives and moving people from point A to point B is important yet before this, no one thought that eating, filling prescriptions and keeping the alcoholics from offing themselves or going through withdrawals was?
Transit drivers are only essential if people need or want to take transit. Apparently, with so many people working from home, not having a job now or one to go back to, or not wanting to take transit ridership is down over 85% and it is not coming back anytime soon. The essential transit driver had been replaced with the local bike shop. It always has a line up and someone stands by the door asking what repairs the customer needs. Buying a new bike is only an option if you want to wait until September. If you can afford the $1,500 now you will still be put on a wait list, it will just be shorter.
The UK’s Metro News had an article titled, Vegetarians ‘are more likely to be depressed and meat is good for mental health’. And that is bit confusing. For one, aren’t people who are saving the planet as they are saving lives supposed to be happy? Aren’t they supposed to feel good about themselves? Having met several vegetarians and dated one, who convinced me that vegetarianism was the way to go, I can honestly say that I am happier and healthier as a “meat-eater”.
Narcissists always attack, discredit the most intelligent person because that person can see through them. Everyone else, they can convince and manipulate.
Someone I haven’t spoken to since early December strongly suggested I take pity on someone who not only has far more assets than me, they also have a great support system, a fulltime job and a pretty good lifestyle. The reason was that their life could be better. What about my life? It’s not a quarter as good as theirs.
As usual I could go one, yet I won’t. I hope everyone enjoys the great weather we are having.
Here is a link to Behind the Blog. Today’s post is called, Do Dreams Mean Anything?
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D