Oh Canada Post-2

Hi Everyone,

My blogging and this blog are long overdue. There are a few reasons for that. Here are a few.

This blog has been on my mind for a little less than a month. I was going to blog about Canada Post two weeks ago but sometimes life has its own rhythm that shouldn’t be stopped mid beat. This is what I mean.

For the last few weeks I thought I had a cold. Just for the record, anytime I am sick I always think I have a cold. One time I described my “cold” to someone and they said it sounded like the flu. Looking back, my symptoms were flu-like but who knows. Either way I wasn’t feeling well.

During that time, I’ve allowed myself to put around and to take life at a slower pace. Being sick is not something I ever had a lot of time for before so I was out of my element. Lost, I did little things.

But there was always this feeling that something from March was missing.  What was it? I organized everything, read books, read part of one of my diaries and wrote. As I read about a day in last March I remembered something. I am missing mail! The strange feeling I had of missing something was my mail and I want it! I want all of my mail, not just what Canada Post thinks I deserve.

What I mean by the above sentence is that Canada Post, or an employee at Canada Post,  (same difference) decides what mail they think I should and should not receive. Not cool! It was true when I posted my last blog and it is true now. This is what I mean.

Sometimes the only way to get things done is to write a blog. I am serious. So when I wrote my blog about Canada Post a funny thing happened. My missing cheque that wasted a whole lot of time for a lot of people suddenly appeared in the mail. I am serious about that too.

A cheque that was mailed in December of last year was “missing” at Canada Post for almost two months. I post a blog and it shows up. Wow! How does that work? The people at Canada Post are like magicians, (sic). One second it’s here, the next it’s not, oopssie we forgot, you paid for this, sorry Miss.

And I did pay for a service that I didn’t fully receive, that is why I posted a blog! The point of today’s blog on Canada Post is for the same reason. I want ALL of my mail. I want all of my “junk” mail, I want all of my mail that have cheques in them, I want my March mail, I want all of my deliveries. You know what everyone, I want it all!

At the beginning of this year, I called the organizations that mail me what some consider to be “junk” mail, changed my address and I haven’t received one piece of mail from them this year.  Who knows, maybe that mail, like that cheque from last year, are MIA at Canada Post, placed in the same spot my cheque was when it was MIA for almost two months. Oh Canada Post could you, would you, please get your act together? It is really something you should do. In my experience they probably won’t.

Okay so here’s what I am going to do. First I will check on the mail again; all of my mail and hope that more, meaning all of it, arrives by let’s say Tuesday or Wednesday. That should give Canada Post time to “find” anything that’s gone MIA. Second, I am going to email the people I am waiting mail from. In that email I will tell them what I know to be true. That I am waiting for my mail that I always get in March, that Canada Post picks and chooses when they are going to mail what, when, and that I know it is not their fault as all blame (as usual) lies with Canada Post. The last thing I will do is call, and most likely leave a message, Canada Post that I have written another blog, I want all of my mail, find it or I will blog again.

Now one thing I didn’t mention is that yes, Canada Post did mail me that cheque even if it was two months late but I did end picking up the cheque that replaced it. I know, I said I wasn’t going to, that I was going to let Canada Post figure it out, but really, once someone has shown me they are untrustworthy they aren’t worthy of my trust. Plus that cheque was three in one. If anything happened to it, meaning if Canada Post didn’t mail it like they are legally bound to do, it would have been a HUGE mess. Who really has time for that, outside of Canada Post that is.

Okay well that’s it for this blog. I am going to start the next in a few minutes. It won’t make a lot of people happy but it has been bursting out of me for the last few days so I’ve got to write it out before I lose it.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


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