Passionless People!

Hi Everyone,

Today’s blog is a continuation of my last one. And yes, I know, it was a while ago. For anyone who hasn’t read it and would like to, there is a link at the bottom. Here’s today’s blog.

If there is one thing that I noticed over the years is that there are a growing number of passionless people in the world. I, like Chris Gardner, the author of, The Pursuit of Happyness, of which the movie of the same name was based on, was one of those people. Now that my daughter is grown and I have time to follow my dreams, I am happier. Even when things are going south, when I have a reason to rail, and trust me I do in varying tones, overall I am still very happy because I am in pursuit of my version of happyness!

I am not the only person who has recognized that there are a growing number of passionless people. One night as I was flicking through some TV stations a man on one of them said that people today are like the walking dead! It was a live broadcast so he was not referring to the TV show. He was referring to everyday people, most of us! He even went so far as to say that the passionless people, the walking dead, don’t even have a pulse. Sadly, I had to agree with him.  Before I had the opportunity to truly follow my dreams, I rarely felt alive. I was flat-lining more days than not. If something out of the ordinary happened, I felt as if I had the charge of the paddles. Those days were few and far between. I just felt as if I was going through the motions. A lot of us do. Thankfully, I am out of that.

Now I am happy, full of passion at anytime of the day. I don’t need anyone to make or keep me happy, or to help me find my passion. I know what my passions are. I am passionate about a lot of things. That translates into, my having a strong pulse!

I don’t care how hard things get, or what I have to go without to get to where I want and need to be. I am serious. My passions are like food, fuel and nothing else matters. I forget the time as I work toward my goals. Since I am a writer, if something or someone pisses me off, I just write about the experience. It’s a win-win situation. How many can people can say that and truly mean it? Exactly!

Granted some people are going to fake it until they make it. That’s okay. Chris Garner and I have done it, and many people did before and will after us. Then there will be others who will pretend to the end. But that’s just it. They are pretending! They are going through the motions without a purpose, a reason.  There is a difference. Pretending isn’t genuine. It is make-believe. It is the world of “sheepole,” people who follow the crowd like sheep.

And then there are people in each of our lives who use their misguided passion to try to make our lives more difficult. But I am getting ahead of myself. That is for my next blog. The above is the second fold of my last blog. Stay tuned everyone. The next blog will have a lot of interesting comments. Some readers may want to buckle up!

Here is the link to my last blog,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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