Hi Everyone,
It doesn’t take much to have an idea of what is going on. This is what I mean.
Look I get that not everyone wants to know what is going on in the world around them. The news can be depressing. Sometimes I, too, want to escape the realities of global and local miseries but I don’t. If I can watch the news I will and I try to read a variety of newspapers too. Yes the same news, or articles, get reworded. Some may have more flair than others and I glance over them, or listen to them so I can find a nugget of helpful information. Most times I do. All of those little bits of information give me a better understanding of the world we live in. And that gives me a different perspective. I like to think of it as connecting the dots. That is me and how I roll. Everyone is different.
I am telling you this because each of us has 24 hours, which works out to be 1,440 minutes per day. If someone wants to waste their time gossiping, reading magazines unrelated to their present or future career, playing one or more video games or being online, again not related to their present or future career, that is their decision. I am of the belief that if something is not going to move you forward in life, like make you money, improve your health or your over all well-being, it is a waste of time. Reaching level 6005 in the Candy Crush Saga is probably not going to pay your bills yet it may ruin your posture which is costly.
Each of us decides how, when and why we are going to invest our time. And I want to be around people who invest their time in local and global events. Not knowing what is going on in the world is, in my opinion, the same as not looking both ways before crossing the street. If I don’t know what is coming my way, I can’t protect myself or the people I love.
Knowledge is power. If you can’t bring yourself to watch the news or read one or more newspapers then scan the headlines of one of the major newspapers. At least that way you will have an idea of what is going on in the world. And who knows, maybe you would be inspired to read an article or two.
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D