Toronto’s Homelessness

Hi Everyone,

Well, this problem is not going to solve itself. This is what I mean.

The cost of food, transportation and clothing are about the same in the Greater Toronto Area and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Housing is a bit of a different story. Housing in Toronto has always been more expensive and it should be. Toronto has been a major city, not just in Canada, but in the world for years.

Toronto has been Hollywood North for decades and in the last few years it is Silicon Valley North too. Not only is Toronto desperate for film studios, crew and locations, it is also desperate for animators and anyone who can work for Google, Facebook or any other company that needs people for IT. People from all over the world are coming here everyday to work in the industires that Canadians aren’t qualified for. They need a place to live and they are willing to pay, since they, or the organization they work for, have the funds. But is that the only reason housing is expensive?


Some say there isn’t enough affordable housing. That may be true but why would that be? Here is one theory.

Housing in Toronto isn’t affordable because landlords have had to price lower income people out. That may sound harsh, and I get that. But what a lot of people don’t realize, or want to admit, is that a growing number of people use or are addicted to drugs. A lot of those same people are on Ontario Works (OW) or on Ontario Disability Support Program, also know as ODSP.  One woman told me that about 60%-65% of the people who are on the system use or are addicted to drugs. Since there is a financial threshold as to how much a person can receive while on government assistance, landlords, especially those who have been burned by tenants on the system because they didn’t pay their rent, destroyed their units are both, simply charge more so that lower income people from all walks of life can’t afford the rent.

If a room, in a crummy part of town, is $700 a month, then an apartment, even a bachelor has to be more right? Right! Bachelor apartments are more and one bedrooms are even more. Prices are going up all the time and the price per square foot is not going to go down any time either. Landlords are in the business of making money and it is their right to do so. Would you charge less when you could charge more? Probably not.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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