TV Show: The Trouble Next Door

Hi Everyone,

The other night as I caught up on a few things, I decided to listen to a new show called, The Trouble Next Door. I don’t know if I would call this a reality show but it was interesting.

To give you an idea of the show, if you have never seen or heard of it, a family that is having trouble raising their child or children reaches out to their immediate neighbours for help. The interested families meet the family in need and agree to meet with them at a later date.

From what I heard, some of the families seemed to really want to help and had some good to great ideas. But as the show went on, I noticed that some people who wanted to help expected the family in need to drop everything and join them in whatever they wanted them to that day. When the family in need didn’t stop their lives, the people who invited, or demanded them to participate in Karate I think, got angry with them. I found this interesting.

For one, if someone is asking for help, (in this case asking strangers for help), and you want to give them help, then you should ask just what kind of help they want or need instead of giving or forcing your idea of help on them. Giving or forcing your idea of help on others is not helpful. It is counterproductive.

Not only have I had people give or force their one or more forms of help on me, I have caught myself doing the exact thing to others. I didn’t like that and I am sure some of the people I thought that I was helping didn’t like it either.

Since I have been at the receiving end, it is now a bit easier for me to catch myself and then stop myself from doing it again. I am human so that will probably happen again in my lifetime yet I am aware of it. Unfortunately the families who said they wanted to help weren’t.

After some discussion/gossiping amongst themselves, a bright bulb suggested they take a softer approach. The mother of the children in need decided that she should open up a bit more. This worked for both sides. At the end of the hour everyone was happy. The Trouble Next Door, was resolved and everyone involved had made a few friends.

Is this a rant? It is if you have been at the receiving end of help that wasn’t helpful at all and if you have, (in your mind) helped someone who didn’t need the help you were giving or forcing upon them.

So the next time someone asks you for help ask them how you can help them instead of doing whatever you think and then gossiping about them.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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