Who Are These People?

Hi Everyone,

How many times have you just gone about your day and asked yourself, Who Are These People? I do it all the time. This is what I mean.

When transit isn’t working as people would like at least one person will state they are going to get their driver’s licence AND a car. I always think this is hilarious. For one getting a driver’s licence is a little more than writing and doing a driving test. Owning a car, especially if you live in a major city and you don’t already have a parking spot, is more involved and costly. The price of gas is always going up.  And let’s not forget insurance. The older a first-time driver is the more their insurance will be. Having a car is more expensive than using transit and not always as convenient. Empty heads give empty threats.  Just for the record I have a valid driver’s licence and live in a major city.

Another day someone said that they went to the bank to get some change for laundry. According to them, a teller said 8 rolls of quarters would cost them $210. Wow!! Really? Since when did the bank start selling $10 worth of quarters for $25 AND charge an extra $10 as a service charge? Because that is what that is. Now the really scary part is that two people can’t do basic math. And, AND one of them works at a bank, a financial institution, that deals with money. Maybe the person getting change knew some of their basic math but trusted the teller because they generally handle more money per day than the average person does. I get it—kind of. But since part of a tellers’ job description is to handle all money accurately they really should know better. For every time I catch a teller making a mistake, they give me money. One even mailed me a Thank You card after he compensated me. I am serious.

You know there are just some things in life that I just can’t make up. Like one night a group of us were hanging out. As I looked across the room, I saw a man of colour, African-Canadian whose shirt said, “I AM THE NIGGER YOU LOVE TO HATE.”   Now I am not really sure how many other people saw, or bothered to read his shirt but everyone I was sitting with did and not one of us was impressed. I mean really with all of the talk of Black Lives Matter in the papers and on the news, why would anyone wear a shirt that said that? But here is the part that no one understands. Not only was that man of colour wearing a shirt saying, “I AM THE NIGGER YOU LOVE TO HATE,” he was wearing it over a hoodie. I am serious. Who does that? The only answer I can think of is someone who wants, or maybe needs, to make a point.

Who Are These People? I don’t know. And I am okay with that.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


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