Does Anyone Do (Mental) Math Anymore?

Hi Everyone,

Years before I dated a guy and anytime we went shopping we used to guess the amount of the bill. Because he could guess the amount within 25 CENTS, I (at times) would get pissed off at myself. Then I thought it would probably be a good idea if I got my grey matter, aka, BRAIN moving. I started to do mental math. That one decision, because that is EXACTLY what it is, has served me well. This is what I mean.

Not only did I gradually improve my mental math, so did my daughter. When we would be shopping for anything she saw me accurately adding things up. She, too, got her grey matter, aka, BRAIN, moving. So that’s great. Both my daughter and I can do (most) math in our heads. You know without a calculator. So why a blog on doing mental math? Because FEW PEOPLE CAN!!! If I’m the only person who has noticed this, then I suggest that others pay attention!

There are countless people of all ages and socio-economic positions, who cannot do mental math and it’s only getting worse! Sometimes I think the lack of math skills, never mind the mental math, screams outrageous medical expenses for Alzheimer’s. I am serious. Here’s an example, and it’s not one about a teenage cashier. This one is about a helpful stranger.

One day as I was out and about, shopping for “school supplies” for my office, I had 20 duo-tangs at 15 cents each. Out loud I half said to the woman I was previously speaking with, “I wonder how much this is?” The woman, about my age, (mid-forties) offers me her cell phone so I can use the calculator function. Horrified, I politely thanked her and then started adding everything up. “Fifteen cents times five is $1.05, $2.10, $3.15, $4.20.” She just looked at me.  Okay here’s another example.

One day as I was clothes shopping I, as usual, went to the sales rack. Everything on it was 50% off. Someone beside me asked her friend how much the item would be. Neither her, nor her friend could figure out the sale price without their cell phones! I am serious! That to me was very scary because they looked like they were in their mid-twenties and I am being kind. They were probably older. Fifty percent off is HALF OFF or HALF of the price. You know the price divided by two!

Interestingly, on yesterday’s episode of, Kelly and Michael, (a show I have only watched twice this year, yesterday included) Kelley Ripa said that children should not be asking their parents for help with their homework, because parents can’t even multiple. And in yesterday’s Metro newspaper it said that Mexican students cannot trust the accuracy of their textbooks because the government provided textbooks have at least 117 errors. The errors are in grammar, misspellings, punctuation and that one state has the wrong city. One can only wonder if they, the Mexican government, had time to review the math textbooks. My thinking is probably not as they are still trying to wade through the 235 million textbooks they printed before recognizing their mistake.

If you don’t already do mental math, I am encouraging you to do so. You’ll save time by not having to pull out your cell phone, you can correct people if they give you the wrong change, (because you will know what your change should be) and you’ll get your grey matter, aka, BRAIN, moving. Who knows mental math may also become preventative medicine. Just saying.

If anyone would like help with their math skills check out For anyone who doesn’t already know, Bill Gates funds this organization and it has a growing number of professors who teach via YouTube videos on a variety of subjects. Math is one of them. ;D

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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