The Name’s The Same

Hi Everyone,

The Name’s the Same is the title of short story by Timothy Findley. For anyone who doesn’t know, he was a famous Canadian novelist and playwright from Toronto, Ontario.

I believe that the last time I read the book, Stones, a collection of short stories which includes, The Name’s the Same, was in December 2003. Or at least that’s what the bus tickets that I found inside the book said so I am going with that. 🙂

And it’s funny, going back and rereading something from so long ago. Even though I forgot most of the story, the title has stuck with me. It always seemed to have hovered in my subconscious. Why?

The only answer I can come up with is that a name is really more important than it seems. A name carries a reputation with it that no one can shake no matter how hard they try. And a reputation can be good, bad or ugly. It is a matter of how one decides to live their life. A reputation is someone’s character, or lack of.

If you don’t know what I mean, then think of it like this, “Hey! Aren’t you so and so’s brother/sister?” or, “Aren’t you the kid who used to…” I could go on but you get the picture. Anyway…   ;D

Anytime I needed to get my point across to my daughter I would look her straight in the eye and tell her in my sternest voice, “We don’t do that.” That statement, the gravity of my words and the look on my face has kept her on the straight and narrow. She didn’t always like it when I would tell her that, but she always seemed to respect it. And now she knows that she can respect herself. We both can.

How many other people can say that? I don’t know. The Name’s the Same, was an interesting story. Just for the record, my daughter and I have the same surname and I am very happy about that.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D



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