Are You Ready For Mother’s Day?

Hi Everyone,

Okay well today is Mother’s Day. I hope that all of you are ready. If not you can always refer to yesterdays blog for a few ideas. (Here’s the link ) There are a few things I forgot to add to the list. They include the following,

  1. Chocolate that she LOVES but would NEVER or rarely buy for herself.
  2. Clean the home! Even if you don’t feel like it, tidy up something. Believe me mothers love to have less to do. It makes our Monday, or in some cases our, week easier.
  3. TIME!!! This may sound foreign to some, but mothers really want to have some time to themselves and time with their children on Mother’s Day.
  4. If you have pets feed them yourself and take care of them to lighten your mother’s load.
  5. If you are not close by, call your mother even if you don’t really like her. Chances are your mother did more for you than you know or want to remember. A lot of us mothers are selfless and not selfish.
  6. Mothers like jewelry. It can be handmade or store bought. Depending on your age and your financial position, store bought jewelry goes over pretty well.
  7. If your mother is like me, practical, get her what she tells you even if it doesn’t make sense to you or your friends. If your mother tells you more than once that she wants for example a blender for Mother’s Day get her the blender she wants. Do not allow your friends to talk you out of what your mother told you want.

If you are still stuck for a Mother’s Day idea I have a movie link to help you out. It is Yahoo’s Top 10 Comedy Movie List for Mother’s Day. Here is the link, .

I chose a comedy link because I believe everyone should have a laugh or two but you can find a list of Mother’s Day movies for any genre.

There are two things I would like to point out.

One there are a growing number of single fathers out there who would or could probably enjoy a break. If you know one or more give them a break by doing something to make their lives easier.

The other thing I would like to remind people of is that not everyone has a mother. Some mothers have passed away, as other mothers are unknown.

Happy Mother’s Day! And thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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