How Well Do You Know Your Neighbours?

Hi Everyone,

On Monday May 6, 2013 after a brave act and huge risk to herself and others, Amanda Berry escaped from a house that she and, it was later found, three other people were held captive by Ariel Castro and his two brothers Onil and Pedro.

Three of those people were held against their will for about 10 years. One is a 6 year-old child who has never seen the light of day! The name of the child is still withheld at the time of my writing this blog. However, the other women are Michelle Knight, and Gina DeJesus.

What I found interesting is this. The male neighbour, Charles Ramsey, who claims that he helped to break down the door, (that is still up for debate) actually knew Ariel Castro. Charles Ramsey said that he has spoken to Ariel many times and that they did neighbourly things together like talk and have barbecues. According to him, his “friendly” neighbour was just an average guy.

That is of course, until the neighbourhood discovered that his neighbour had four very dark secrets that he was keeping. All of those secrets being his four hostages. I could on, but I think that all of us have some knowledge of what has happened. I, like many people have been following this tragic yet, intriguing story.

So the question of the day is, how well do you know your neighbours? If, of course, you know them at all that is.

I know some but not all of my neighbours. To be honest, I like not knowing some of the people in my apartment building. From most of the neighbours that I do know, I only really know their names and that is pretty much it.

There are a couple of people in the building that I speak with on a regular or semi-regular basis and do neighbourly things with much like what the Charles Ramsey did with Ariel. But for the most part everyone keeps their distance.

Would I be surprised if anyone of my neighbours had a dark secret? Not in the least. This is why.

Life is stranger than fiction. The nice part of that saying is that if you don’t or can’t read, all you have to do is watch a couple of fiction movies to understand the saying. For a head’s up, most of what we watch on TV or in the movies or read in books is in a small or large part from true life stories.

If you read my blog on April 16, 2013, titled, Modern Day Spies and watched the videos that I included then you would know that people aren’t always as they seem. Here is the link to that blog,  The blog is there and the links on it still work. I just checked them.

Another blog that I posted about neighbours was, TV Show–The Trouble Next Door, on January 17, 2013. The link for that one is,

There are two things that I know for sure. One thing is that a lot of the people who are the most dangerous fly under the radar. The other thing is that when something negatively affects the lives of me and the other people that live in this building we band together, whether we like or speak to each other or not.

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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