“Not Accepting The….”

Hi Everyone,

As I was going through some papers the other day, I came across this saying which is part of the title of this blog. The saying is, “Not accepting the world as it is can make you crazy.” Since I’ve been having a bit of stressful time lately I thought I would blog about the saying. This is what I mean.

There are a lot of great things in the world so if I could add a few words to the saying I would. My version of the saying would be, “Not accepting the CORRUPTNESS of the world as it is can make you crazy.” Now the reason I would change that is because, it is so easy to, “go with the flow,” “turn a blind eye,” or believe that if something doesn’t directly affect you to just let things slide. That’s what normal people do. If other people want to be normal and settle for less, that’s up to them. I am different.

Unfortunately a lot of normal people also don’t do their jobs! And when they don’t do their jobs, or follow the rule of the law, like they are LEGALLY BOUND to do, they don’t like people like me taking a stand. They want me to sit down and shut up! They want people like me to be normal. Again, I am different.

Besides, normal gets you nowhere. If you have been reading my blogs on a regular basis, then you would know that there is a book by Kelley Cutrone titled, Normal Gets You Nowhere that I included in a blog that I can’t find right now. Oppssie. ;D Anyway, the point is being normal, you know doing the above, really does get you nowhere. Just think about that for a second. I am serious. Think about that.

Normal people don’t take a stand or do anything noteworthy, so they don’t become known for doing small or large things for themselves or others. Normal people also rarely make themselves or others accountable for their actions. And normal people don’t do ANYTHING outstanding, nor do they become famous. Normal people are just normal! PERIOD!!!

Now I admit taking a stand can be draining but the rewards are amazing! So do you want to take a stand for yourself in even a small way? Please tell yourself yes and start becoming abnormal! And I know that there are risks. People fail at things all the time. I FAIL at something EVERYDAY so I know all about the risks of failing. But guess what? You, or I, could roll out of bed and break something or walk outside and get hit by a bus. Everything nowadays is a risk. What do you want your life to be? Do you want to be normal?

The reason I asked the above questions is because the other night one of my friends called and wanted to know how things were going. When I told him about the commuting, the STUFF, the lack of help from people, Tuesday July 30, 2013, my past court orders and how I believe a Judge made a BIG mistake, the legal system, how someone had to “talk me down” the night before etc., I guess he felt sorry for me because he sent me an e-transfer asking me use the money on a good meal and a massage. Since I woke up the next day, feeling like I was hit by a MACK truck again for the SECOND DAY IN A ROW, I did I try to retrieve the funds but it didn’t work. I know why, but I’m telling him. But I will tell you this.

If ALL I had to deal with right now was prepare for court regarding the whole child support thing, I’d be great! But I’m not! In fact I’m dealing with another legal matter that has had me in court A LOT!!! This whole other legal thing, which I will be blogging about as soon as IT is over with, is in my opinion, IDIOTIC!!! But I am going through with it because I am different. I am proud to say that I am abnormal!

The perils of not accepting the corrupt world as it is have made me a bit stressed out lately. I have had countless sleepless nights. When I do sleep it is only for a few hours. When I wake up in the middle of the night, my mind is filled with the injustices and yes, in the last few months I have questioned my sanity more than once! BUT my not doing anything, my not taking a stand would be far worse! I have set my mind on succeeding in all areas of my life and will be worth it! Now are you worth standing up for yourself? Again, please say YES!!! Because you too are worth it! ;D On a side note tomorrow’s blog is a REAL eye-opener!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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