Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyoksaki (Audio Book)

Hi Everyone,

As an information junkie, I have to get pretty creative with my time. So while I’m in the middle of doing a menial task of like washing dishes, filing, or whatever task I deem menial where I don’t have to think, yet must get done, I listen to audio books or listen to YouTube videos.

The nice thing about this is that I can always rewind the book or YouTube video to where I left off, or if I want to hear something again. And once YouTube knows you listen to certain topics, those topics pop up even when you are listening to something similar. It does get a bit distracting when I am listening to something totally unrelated though. 

So on December 26th, as I sat in front of my computer for more than 8 hours doing what I consider menial, I listened to a variety of YouTube videos. And that was when I found this audio book. If you don’t already know who Robert Kiyosaki is, search him online. 

Personally, I’ve known about him for over 20 years. Regrettably, I have read one of his books and one that he co-authored with Donald Trump. My daughter has already read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and it taught her a lot. Since she borrowed that book from the library, and my reading list is already longer than I would like to admit, this audio book was just what I need.  ;D

Now because this is an audio book, it is 3:06:18 in length. But like I said, you can rewind the book. If you are pressed for time, just wait for the book to load, and fast-forward it to wherever you left off. I do it all the time! ;D

I hope you enjoy this audio book as much as I have. Here is the link,

Happy New Year and thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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