What Are You Addicted To? ;D

Hi Everyone,

The reason for today’s blog title is because we’re all addicted to something. IF you don’t believe me, then well you’re delusional. We all have at least one addiction. And yes, that includes me. Here is my confession.

I, Anna Leber, aka, A. Rebel, am an information junkie. I’ve been addicted to information ever since I discovered 60 Minutes when I was about 9 or 10 years of age. It is something that I have struggled with. Why? Well, all of that information can have me thinking differently from most people. Thankfully my other addiction helps me. Here is another confession.

I, Anna Leber, aka, A. Rebel, have had a lifelong addiction of large quantities of laughter! My (laughter) drug of choice is the LOL, Bust-A-Gut, Belly-Aching, Fear-of-Peeing-Myself laughter. Nothing else will do. I NEED all of the above for my daily survival. After all, I am addict. ;D

Since there is only so much that I can do to entertain myself with the books that I read, programs that I watch etc., I found myself jonesing. My withdrawals began to take over my life. When I couldn’t think any more, I knew I had to do something and FAST!

Once I cleared my head, I did what anyone who is going through withdrawals would do. I began searching for another source. I needed another dealer before I totally lost control of myself.

As I searched my bookcases and stared at my TV in sheer desperation, something had me thinking of Twitter. I raced to my laptop and looked at a few tweets. I found one that a guy posted and replied. I guess he thought that my wanting breasts too because my padded push-up bras were starting to bug me was funny because he RT’ed and Favourited me. That one tweet got me a few new followers.

I then searched their tweets and RT’s and began following some new people. One in particular had an interesting name and very familiar handle. I read a few of his tweets and began following him on a daily basis!

EVERY DAY, I would LOL, literally Busting-A-Gut, holding my Belly-While-It-Ached as I Feared-I-Would-Pee-On-My-Computer-Chair! I was clearly hooked! My addiction increased from checking his tweets once a day to several times a day. As he fed my addiction of large quantities of laughter I needed more. My addiction to LOL was taking over!

Shortly after my reading his daily tweets, I wasn’t just checking his tweets, I was checking his conversations. They too, filled my daily dose of large quantities of laughter! Then one day his “Name of the Day,” as I and his MANY, MANY other daily followers affectionately call, had me reply to him.

THAT started something I have rarely experienced. It was intellectual banter via Twitter and I found it INTOXICATING! Since I can only speak for myself, I found it becoming a little like, for lack of a better word, a “Twittermance.” I actually started calling it that to the few people in my life that I trust. This is why.

FEW and I do mean VERY FEW people can CHALLENGE my mind and MAKE ME LOL at the same time! It was, and still is, exhilarating! I LOVE that! Our tweets for that day eventually evolved into Direct Messages because well, people creep, lurk and troll, etc. (I posted a blog on that called, Thanks Social Media. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/thanks-social-media/ )

When I sent him a Direct Message explaining why, he immediately understood. (Thank you!) Our Twitter conversations were becoming, let’s say interesting. THAT is saying a lot since I strongly refrain from posting anything of that nature on the Internet. Once it is out there, it is out there for the world to see and speak about. Let’s face it, not only do people TALK ALL THE TIME, they also have a strong tendency to fabricate stories to suit their needs and wants!

So who is this person who makes me LOL at varying times of the day, as I am literally Busting-A-Gut, holding my Belly-While-It-Aches as I Fear-I-Will-Pee-On-My-Computer-Chair? I don’t know? I am clueless. And it doesn’t matter.

But for any of you WHO HAVE NOT BEEN and ARE NOT creeping, lurking, trolling etc. my Twitter account, (and I know that people have been and still are!) his Twitter username/handle is @guyiusedtoknow and he has a different, “Name of the Day,” for everyday I have been following him.

So if you need to LOL, or a reason for your mind to wander in territory that you won’t willingly admit to but may be secretly thinking of, follow him! He is hilarious! He is RAW! He says it as it is. His grey matter never stops moving! And that is EXACTLY why he has so many devoted followers that follow him SEVERAL TIMES a day!

Just for the record, I asked him about writing this blog and he said yes, for anyone who wants to know. Just saying! ;D

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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