Cyber Monday

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow is known as, Cyber Monday and A LOT of people will be shopping online for things they do and do not need. Will that stop them? Probably not. Too many people are searching for the next steal of a deal. I won’t be one of them this is why.

One thing that really pissed me off when I worked “retail” was going over all of the prices knowing full well, that the person I was speaking with was going to take a walk down the mall and maybe cross the street to see what “deal” they could get. Some of those customers came back and some didn’t. The reason I am telling you this is because people behave this way with everything.

People will ask a pile of questions, make some mental notes and then shop somewhere else if they are not convinced they are getting what they are willing to pay for. Now somewhere else is unlimited. Comparison shopping has hit a whole new level. This is what I mean.

There are some people who will go into a shoe store for example, try on footwear, but instead of buying the footwear at the store they are in, (because that would only makes sense) they will shop online because it is slightly cheaper and in most cases the shipping is free. I understand that people want to save money, but is it always worth their time? Probably not. There’s more time involved than people think and then there’s always that pesky currency difference. Thankfully some retailers have caught onto non-customers and are now charging people $5 to try on one item of footwear.

This of course is not fair to me who rarely shops online, but if a salesperson has seen the same person try on several pairs of footwear and not buy anything EVER than all the power to them. Charge them $10 a pair if the non-customer is going to send you to the stockroom more than once and suck up all of your time and energy is my thinking.

You know, logistically, there is A LOT involved whether people shop in a brick and mortar or online. Logistics have rarely been cheap and it’s getting more expensive by the day! There are so many costs that it would make your head spin. Never mind the physiological torment that workers go through to pick an order. Those employees are given a certain amount of time to pick one order and are then required to pick a certain number of orders per shift. That order could be yours. You know the one that drives them to lose their mind, job or whatever comes first.

So if you’ve had a shitty job, an employer breathing down your neck because, according to them, you just didn’t cut it so they reprimanded you all the time, or a job that had you flop on your couch and drop off to sleep because it physically exhausted you, think of that the next time you decide to shop online, because that is what you are putting another human through so you can save a few bucks as you waste your time waiting for your purchase to arrive all because you couldn’t bring yourself to shop in the brick and mortar where the friendly staff helped you, whether they wanted to or not. I am serious. Think about it. And while you’re at it, think about all of the pollution of the vehicles that take every item to and from all of the places your footwear is available.

Happy Sunday and have a great Cyber Monday.

Here are some related links,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!

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