Are You An Adult?

Hi Everyone,          

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I came up with a lot of blogs on Friday.  This isn’t one of them, BUT it came about. This is what I mean. (Here’s the link to yesterdays blog,

On Friday night I saw someone from the building I live in. Curious, I asked him, “Anything interesting going on?”

Shaking his head his firm reply was, “Oh no, nothing. Well (name of landlord) changed his phone number. Now the only person, who has it, is (name of superintendent). No one else.”

I thought, “Really? I heard the same story three weeks ago. When the superintendent wouldn’t give someone the landlord’s number they told me about it and I gave it to them. It worked. In my opinion, the superintendent was protecting from someone being responsible. But hey, maybe this time it’s true.”

“Anything else?” I asked.

He told me a lady on another floor was freezing too. She’s skinner than me so I believed it. I told him the portable heater story. (Here’s a link to a blog I wrote called, Where’s the Heat,

Shaking his head, “I know, but he pays for your hydro. That’s why he didn’t give it to you.”

My hydro being a part of my rent is a secret that very few people in the building know about. Either the superintendent told him, which is violation of my privacy, or the man I was speaking with has been reading my blog. If the latter is true, maybe he’s reading this one too.  “Say Hey!”

I told him that I’ve been using my oven to heat my apartment and that he could write a letter to the city to change things.

Racing across the street, to get away from me he hollered, “Can’t listen now. I’ve got to met someone.”

On my way to my apartment, I thought, “So the landlord changed his number? What is he? A little kid? Can’t handle a few phone calls?”

I know other people like him. One of them decided to force the closing date of his house almost a month early, JUST so he could make a quick exit. Anything to get out of being responsible. 

The point of today’s blog is this. You can look like a grown-up. You can talk like a grown-up. You can have a job, own a business, or whatever. BUT, BUT at the end of the day, the BIG question is, are you really grown-up? Are you an adult? 

A lot of people aren’t. BUT, being a kid, because that’s the opposite of being an adult, has its consequences. You see, adults make adult, grown-up decisions. Kids, are, well kids. That means that no matter how biologically old they are, their brains haven’t fully formed and that’s why they’re irresponsible.

Thankfully, that’s when adults, help kids recognize the error of their ways. Or at least that’s what I did with my daughter. She turned out better than most and we have the same name.

But the funny thing about parenting is this. It generally takes an adult, to raise an adult. So if parents are going to coddle their kids, right up until they are “grown-up” to let’s say the ripe age of like 49, because the parents never wanted to hurt their feelings, or have their children not like them then someone somewhere is going to pay a price for that.

It’s a universal law. Some people like me like to call it Karma! The funny thing about Karma is that you always get what you deserve.

Here’s a link to the song, I’m An Adult Now by The Pursuit of Happiness,

Some of the content in today’s blog relates to other blogs that I have already posted. Below you will find the link, the title of the blog is in the link. The first link relates to a book called, Feel the Fear ….And Do It Anyway. It is a very adult book and I highly suggest that people read it.  Just saying.





Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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