The (Other) Benefits Of Reading?

Hi Everyone,

If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, then you would know I am really big on reading. I’ve loved books, or well the written word for as long as I can remember.

One day as I was out and about I had the opportunity to hang out with myself away from my laptop. Of course I had one book and two newspapers with me. But even reading can have its moments, especially since on that day I wanted to talk to people. 

As I was having a conversation with someone, they started saying negative things about someone we both know. At one point I thought they were trying to get me to either agree with them or say something negative about the person they were talking about. Even if I didn’t like the person they were talking about, which I do, I would have felt the same way, uncomfortable.

As I listened to them I thought, “Yep! That’s not happening.” And then I remembered my book. Did I want to read it? Not really, but I wasn’t going to encourage or engage in the conversation any longer so I simply told them, “I’m going to read my book now.” The person I was speaking with didn’t look the happiest to hear that. Since I don’t like to feel uncomfortable, I didn’t, and still don’t care.

Okay so here’s something to think about. When I was younger, no one explained to me that people value their time differently. Some people have their days mapped out to the last minute making them inflexible. My days aren’t mapped out to the last minute but pretty close. I can and will be flexible when I want to. Other people are more flexible with their time and then there are some people who are very flexible because the only plan they have is to hang-out ALL DAY.  

I am telling you this because when I saw the look on the person’s face when I told them I was going to read my book I thought, “If we hadn’t met what would you be doing? Would you be doing what you are doing now if you had no one to talk to? Seriously. Who EXACTLY would you be speaking to if I wasn’t here? Would you have said the same things? This inquiring mind wants to know. Because not only did I not like the direction of the conversation, I also didn’t like the look on your face. Just for the record, if you weren’t here, or if I had no one to speak with, I’d be reading something. That’s what I had planned.”

So the point of the blog is this. My day may not be mapped out to the last minute, meaning that I can and will be flexible if I want to. BUT if I don’t feel comfortable with the direction of a conversation or situation, chances are pretty good that I’ll start reading something whether I want to or not.

Here are some links to past blogs related to reading,



Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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