My Admirer?

Hi Everyone,

I think it was in late October or early November when I was in a busy store. As I tried to squeeze myself farther up the aisle, I said, “Excuse me,” to a man. After I walked up the aisle and was looking at something, he came up to me and said, “You have beautiful eyes.”

I thanked him with a smile. Sure that may be one of the weakest pick up lines of all time, but whatever. Every time he saw me, in whatever I was wearing, dressed up, dressed down, it didn’t matter, he always recognized me and said, “You have beautiful eyes.” This went on for months.

One day as I was in the local mall, I saw him walking towards me. He was a bit of distance away and I wasn’t sure if he saw me or not. I ducked into the closest store just to see. You know a little cat and mouse. ;D Well he found me, complimented me on my eyes again and introduced himself, I introduced myself and we shook hands. He also asked me if I would like to have coffee one day. I said I would and we left it at that.

Sometime later we saw each other again. I was in a hurry, (as usual) but spoke with him for a few minutes. “Did I still want to have coffee?” he asked. I said I did. When he pressed for a day, I told him next time I saw him. He wanted my telephone number too, but I told him that I would give it to him next time we saw each other.

As a fluke, the next time we saw each other was a few days later. I was rushing to the store, didn’t have any make-up on and he was on his way to work. I told him I used to be a temporary employee of where he now worked. I gave him my number. He thanked me and said he was interested.

He called me that day AFTER his break and told me he slipped out the side door to make the call. RED FLAG #1 and #2 started waving. This is what I mean.

If he was interested, he would have called me ON his break or lunch, not AFTER his break when he could only speak to me for a few minutes at his convenience, not mine. That was RED FLAG #1.

RED FLAG #2 also involves his calling me AFTER his break meaning that he has little to no work ethic. He gets paid hourly and his calling me, when he should be working is stealing. (I blogged about this on Thursday, March 14th, 2013. The title of that blog is, “Yea, You’re Right, That’s Stealing.” Here is the link, As we were speaking with each other, I told him what I did when I worked there. It was manpower control which is basically finding people like him when they duck out of their job. Naturally, I was pissed off. People like him added to my work load. I dropped so many hints that we should get off of the phone that I thought he finally understood. 

RED FLAG #3 He is either thick or full of himself because he called me again, at the very same time the very next day. That time, of course, was AFTER HIS BREAK, not before work, after work, on his lunch or on one of his two breaks. AFTER HIS BREAK. But he told me again that he is interested. “Not that interested. Is he hoping I will eventually buy what he is selling?” I asked myself.

Again, I tried to keep the conversation short by stating that I didn’t want him to get in trouble by talking to me when he should be working. It kind of worked. The conversation was short, but not as short as I would have liked.

RED FLAG #4 He calls me again, at the very same time, the very next day, AFTER HIS BREAK. Now I am pissed off. Like Level 4. If you don’t know what I mean by that, I wrote a blog on Friday, April 5, 2013, titled, “Going Postal?” (Here is the link for that blog,

After  my several suggestions to get off the phone because, “I don’t want you to get in trouble,” I repeated. He assures me that he won’t. Besides, he likes speaking with me. My thought was, and still is, “Not that much. If you did you would call me at any other time, not AFTER YOUR BREAK.” Now I’ve had it with this guy. I don’t know who he is, or what he thinks, and I COULDN’T CARE LESS. Even that is being generous.

RED FLAG #5 When he told me he could have the option of leaving work early, he said he would and told me what time he would get home. “Oh that’s great,” I said. In my head, I was thinking, “If you think we are meeting up tonight, think again. This is especially true if you expect me to drop everything at your whim? Pick someone else, Buddy!” (On a side note, anytime I call someone, Buddy, it is far from endearing)

Since I didn’t bit at his invite, he just kept talking. After a while I just told him, “You know I used to work there, I told you what my job was and I feel uncomfortable speaking with you after your break. We should get off the phone. Do you know what I mean?” He told me was listening and he hung up quite hurriedly I might add.  

Now here is where it gets interesting. Remember earlier we agreed to coffee? Well we decided to meet for one this weekend. BUT he never called since our last conversation, which was Wednesday. In my mind, he has proven to me, demonstrated to me that he has more important interests, like himself, and he comes first. 

So was I surprised when the telephone rang yesterday, the first day of the weekend we decided to have coffee? No, ABSOLUTELY NOT, in fact, I was expecting it.

When he called, I was as polite as anyone who is in the middle of writing a blog called, “I Don’t Really Like People,” ( could be while they are trying to watch their favourite show which can’t be time shifted.

Him—“Hi Anna it’s (his name). How are you?”

Me—“I’m busy, in the middle of a couple of things.”

Him—“Would you still like to go for coffee?” he asked.

Me—“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I have a lot of things to do today, this weekend. I haven’t heard from you since you called me from work, so I’m really busy now.”

Him—“I didn’t call you because you told me how you felt when I called you from work.”

A bit of a twist of the truth but I let it go, kind of.

Me—“Well, you could have called me, (I gave him times) I’ve got to go. Bye.”

Just who does this guy think he is? The only time I jump is when the ringing of the telephone scares me while I am reading a great book. He hasn’t called me since Wednesday and he still wants to go for a coffee? This guy has to get over himself! Like BIG TIME!!!

He’s cute, got a pretty good job, not career or profession—job, and instead of texting me, he picks up the telephone to speak with me. That would be good if it wasn’t AFTER HIS BREAK, but he is far from being all that!

I go back to my blog and try to watch one of my favourite shows. A VERY short time later, the telephone rings. Guess who? Buddy himself! He wants to know if he can talk for a minute. You know, explain himself. I say, “Sure.” He starts. LAME, SHAME and full of BLAME, BLAME.


SHAME—He called someone too much before so he didn’t want to do that, again, to me. He felt bad.

BLAME—According to him, I told him, that Friday wasn’t good for me, like a good time for him to call. So now it’s my fault? Interesting. I jumped on that like a starving flea would to a well fed dog.

BLAME—And that I had his telephone number. Why didn’t I call him?

Me—“I never told you that Friday wasn’t good for me, I told you (what I told him). Don’t try to turn this back on me. I know what I said because I said it twice.”

Him—“Well, yes, you’re right you did say that, but….”

Me—“But what? Look I am kind of pissed off at people right now. AND I don’t like that you tried to turn this on me by twisting my words. I know what I said. You know what I said, you were just hoping I’d forgotten and I’d believe your lie because that is exactly what it is! I am hanging up now and DON’T call me again!”

By now, between the blog I was in the middle of writing, not watching one of my favourite shows, my Thursday with that person who I was blogging about, (And just for the record, she pointed to a full, unopened, 250 ml bottle. If you recall she wanted to know what the bottle she pointed to smelt like. Maybe she thought I would let her pick a scent like I do when I BUY IT AT THE STORE and let her take her picking home with her FREE OF CHARGE. I forgot to add that because My Admirer pissed me off!) among the other people who TOTALLY PISSED ME OFF ON THURSDAY, the fact that before I went to the store on Thursday I checked the time on my cell phone as I pretty much ran from one errand to the next so I wouldn’t run into My Admirer? which had me racing against the clock to avoid him because I knew if I didn’t hurry I would run into him, I WAS PISSED OFF!!!

How dare he or anyone try to twist my words to their benefit! Just who does he think he is? He clearly thinks he is far smarter and more important than I am.  And he is clearly not interested. Perfect!

Another frog down. I am closer to Mr. Wonderful everyday! I can hardly wait to meet him! 

If anyone thinks I was being, bitchie, then I suggest you read my blog called, The BITCH Books. Here’s the link,

Thank you for reading A.Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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