The BITCH Books!!! ;D

Hi Everyone,

This is my second blog of the day, so I consider it important. Today as I was speaking with someone, I remembered, as affectionately call them, The BITCH books.

They are two books that I read EVERY, and I mean, EVERY year on or around my birthday. (So it is no wonder I forgot about mentioning them in earlier Valentine’s Day blogs). Or if I think I need a reminder, I will flip through them and reread excerpts that I feel are important. What are The Bitch Books?

The Bitch books are two bestselling books which are both written by Sherry Argov. They are a guide, as to why men like, then love and respect some women more than others. The information is PRICELESS, BUT only if we remember it.

A BITCH is, A Babe, In, Total, Control of Herself. (I mentioned this another blog called, Another Carrier. It is unrelated, but if you want to read it, here’s the link,

If you, or someone you know is a doormat, having a problem in their relationship, can’t get a date, can’t get past the first date or has just given up, READ THESE BOOKS!!! AND REREAD THEM, refer to them anytime you or they are having relationship issues. This is important and here is a personal example of why.

I meet a man who I was interested in. And I think that feeling was mutual. We saw each other one night and then as we were speaking on the phone the next day about seeing each other again, (so two nights in a row) I agreed.

Even though I knew that The Bitch books said not to and why, even as my eyes were scanning my two large bookscases for the books, even though I could and should have said no, I said agreed. Why? I was having a “doormat moment!” That’s the only way to explain it.

So we met. I slide into “doormat mode” a few times but had “My BITCH On,” (meaning I remembered parts of the book) for most of the evening. Why did I have a “doormat moment?” 

Since I have made a point of versing myself in different industries, I understood his day. It was Hell! There is no way I would have survived it and I am pretty tough. So I figured if he wanted to see me, it would brighten his day, because remember his day was HELL. What was the end result? This No relationship. (My birthday was about a month away meaning I was due to reread both books)

So if you, or someone you know needs help or would like to improve their relationship, READ BOTH of these books, once a year or whenever there is a need. Both books are by Sherry Argov. The first is called, Why Men LOVE Bitches and the second is, Why Men MARRY Bitches.

I cannot tell you how many times these books have helped me. Sure I forget some things, but I am not the TOTAL DOORMAT I used to be. And now I can spot my “doormat moments” and “doormat moments” in others too!

Now I also understand why the unattractive woman with bubbles for brains gets the hot guy, with the great job, and treats her like gold. That is HUGE!

GO out and GET THE BOOKS!!! Don’t settle for crumbs! If you do, it’s your own damn fault!

There is a whole world out there with wonderful things just waiting for us to experience, and that includes our version of Mr. Wonderful!!! These books will ensure that that happens!!! I deserve only the best that life has to offer, don’t you? OF COURSE!!!

Is this a rant! Yes, but I am ranting at myself for not mentioning these two books earlier. Sorry my birthday is in the summer. ;D

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! 😀


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