Hi Everyone,
If the title of this blog sounds like the title of a song by Meatloaf, it is. I have included two links of the YouTube videos at the end of the blog for anyone who wants to listen to the song again or has never heard it before. Here’s today’s blog.
On April 6, 2013, I posted a blog titled, Mr. Wonderful ;D. For anyone who would like to read or reread it here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/mr-wonderful/.
In that blog I mentioned some observations I discovered about myself. Since that time my Ex and I have continued speaking with each other. One reason for this is our feelings for each other. Another reason is that when we speak it is easy. We don’t have to explain anything, like how the other feels or why. We simply openly discuss everything in a civilized manner. This is one of many things I have always enjoyed about our relationship.
My Ex is a caring, sensitive man who has a pretty good track record of making and keeping me happy by keeping me on a pedestal. He also has always had the means to provide for me. Years ago I would have loved that security. Years ago and today are worlds apart. Had our relationship gone further, or to the altar, I would have been happy—for a while.
Then as time would have passed, as he gradually became more successful conquering his world, I would have started living his dream, not mine and become lonely from his absences. For me, both are a recipe for disaster. At the same time, I would not be the person I am today.
With every day that has passed since my Ex and I have parted ways, the people in my life and my life experiences have shaped me. Now I am a totally different person, with bigger dreams, goals. More importantly I am in the process of achieving them. ;D
“It is never the destination, but the journey that counts.” A wise man told me that and I believe him because it is true. And the most important thing is to be true to you. Anytime someone settles for anything less than they deserve, want, desire they are doing themselves a disservice.
My advice? Keep both of your eyes on your prize. Mine is Mr. Wonderful. ;D
I would do anything for love, but I WON’T do that, meaning settle, and neither should you!
Here’s the link for the YouTube video,
Here’s the link for the YouTube version with the lyrics,
Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D