Dealing With DRAMA!!!

Hi Everyone,

Since some level of DRAMA is (unwillingly) a part of each of our lives, I thought it was about time that I blogged about it in more detail. If you’ve already read my blog, The Real Housewives of What? (here’s the link, then you would already know how I feel about DRAMA. I HATE IT!!!

In fact I HATE IT so much that one day when I was subjected to it, I was ready to go postal! I became so mad that I was unwillingly dragged into the stupidity and pettiness of DRAMA that I created an acronym for it, hence the word DRAMA being in all capital letters. (If you haven’t already read my blog, Going Postal, here’s the link,

Creating the acronym took me less than three seconds. And that was even after I altered it a few times.

When my Ex and I were speaking, I told him how I felt and about the acronym. He told me that it was apt and you know what, he’s right. It is.

BUT, BUT it is wrong of people to drag us into the stupidity and pettiness of their DRAMA especially if it is self-inflicted. Because that is EXACTLY where most of everyone’s DRAMA stems from! People who just can’t get their moral compass set straight, parents who enable their children, and children who, even in their 50’s, just refuse to grow up!

I also believe that it is wrong of me to tell people how I feel when I am unwillingly dragged into it. I should not be sending Direct Messages to people on my Twitter List when they ask me how my day is. (Just for the record, I only do with one person and I have only done it twice and I will strongly refrain from doing it again.) Thankfully the person understood and let me vent, but still, they have a life too.

My Ex and I have more important things to discuss then my telling him/venting to him about the how so and so, did, that, and/or the other and how it has affected my life, and now his because he is listening to me.

Who in their right mind wants or feels the need to get worked up over the DRAMA that, in most cases,  people have created for themselves? Answer. VERY FEW PEOPLE!!! And I avoid DRAMA at all costs, so count me out of the very few people. In fact, even when I am not speaking with my Ex, I have more important things to do with my time than deal with DRAMA. My time is too valuable.  

The best solution I have found to reduce the level of DRAMA in my life is to tell everyone how much I HATE IT!!! If I even detect the smallest hint of DRAMA, I leave wherever I am right away. If that bothers some people, well, guess what, DRAMA bothers me.

Does this mean I won’t listen to someone? It depends. If they tell me they need to vent about something I’ll listen to whomever, and whenever they need me to so they can get something out of their system. Holding in negative emotions is unhealthy because it affects us physiologically. I know that. I also know who I can trust to remain DRAMA free!

And just as a head’s up, most DRAMA comes from gossiping! Here are two blogs that I have posted on gossiping. The first is called, Gossip vs. Fact. Here’s the link, The second is called, You’re Gossiping–Interesting. Here’s the link,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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