And I Am (Finally) Back ;D

Hi Everyone,

Before I start today’s blog I would just like to say, Edward I am so incredibly sorry for not having the blog up and running. I would greatly appreciate it if you, and every reader, looked below to see your second comment for, Film–Feeding the Face 2. I will be blogging about it (hopefully) soon. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your English is better than you think. 🙂

The title of this blog is twofold. This is what I mean.

For anyone who hasn’t noticed, or skimmed over most of the first paragraph, my blog has been offline for almost a month. The reason for this is because I changed hosting companies and well, things did not go as smoothly as they could have. Everyone involved is to blame. I was clueless, didn’t understand the process. Had I of known to change hosting companies before my (old) renewal was close to expiring, things would have been smoother, faster.  There was also a lot of miscommunication.

After over three weeks of long and draining phone calls, I managed to get someone to, “Get on it.” It’s amazing how quickly people get things done when they hear that. Everything was solved in a few short hours. And then, as I suggested, I got a well deserved discount of sorts when they waived a fee. And if all goes well, I’ll get more discounts (of sorts) because I deserve them too! I am serious. If you knew what I went through, you would be wondering why I am not getting everything for free. It was that bad!  🙁

Customer service is not what it used to be. If I have to fix one more of their mistakes or misunderstandings, I will be blogging.  I am serious. And the next time I get one of their customer surveys, I will be (unfortunately) as polite in that terse professional way as I can be. But at least I can say, “And I Am (Finally) Back.” A. Rebel’s Rant is back online and that is all that matters.

The second fold is that I have been going through a lot of personal and professional changes. One day one is easier than the other, the next both go for as I like to call, “a flip.” That is when nothing goes well–at all.  It is hard to keep it together when you feel like the earth is collapsing beneath you. If I didn’t have strong feelings towards universal laws, I would have said, “Just shoot me now,” more than once. To have each of your projects going nowhere, when you need at least one to go somewhere so you don’t feel like a complete failure, is frustrating, unbearable. This is why I need to inject fun into every day. ;D

One of my projects is this blog. It needs a makeover! If all goes well,  I should have the new theme up by Saturday June 6th. I am telling you this as a form of accountability. Just for the record I wanted to have the new theme for this blog up by Monday May 11th! It would have been done, had my hosting gone smoothly but it didn’t. That is one project. The next is another blog.

All I am going to say is it will be different from this one. I love the title and theme though!  🙂 I had scheduled that to be done by Monday May 18th.  I would love to give an exact completion date for it, but there are these things called work and life that keep getting in the way. Some time before Saturday June 20th looks good. There is one more project that was also, “hosting dependent”. It is grossly behind. I am not even going to project a completion date for that.

One project that I am working on is actually moving along. It, of course, is not “hosting dependent.” After 12 hours of work, not research, (yes I really track the number of hours I work on something and want to work on something) I realized it would be easier and better to start from scratch. I did that this week. Things are so much easier, better now. The decision to scrap everything and start anew will save me over 30 plus hours of work and who knows how many hours of frustration.

I have a few mini-projects that I work on in between my, “calming the chaos.” Up until yesterday, a project I want to work on got some of my attention. It was nice to see where I left off and what still needs to be done.

For anyone who is curious, the reason this blog is under the category of, Beating The Odds, is because I am on a huge learning curve. Sure there are some things that I have a general knowledge of, but the other things… I am learning as I go. Learning some things is like chugging an extra large  bottle of Buckley’s with nothing to chase it! Yum!

Then there is this goal I have to fulfill my goals, my dreams! If I didn’t know that Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company at age 45, I would have given up by now. I am serious. But I do know that and few other interesting facts and they keep my going. 🙂 All of  the above is “training” which will only help me reach my goals, my dreams. I have had big plans for the majority of my life. This is just the beginning.  🙂

The only person who has a vague idea of what I want to accomplish is my daughter. She is the only person I trust to bounce ideas and strategies off of. She also knows that I have wanted to do most of what I am now working on for years. We have been, Beating The Odds, for decades, so this is a new odd to beat. 🙂

So in a way, I am getting back to the person I wanted to and always knew I could be. Sure my route may have been different, but I am different.  I like that. Now I can honestly say, “And I Am (Finally) Back” ;D

Thank you fore reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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