Another carrier!

Hi Everyone,

Just as I was getting ready to write the blog, Figures!, a telemarketer from another cell phone carrier called.

Because I was a telemarketer I am always polite. It is a hard job. People yell and swear at you all the time. It is not fun so I get it. I lived it. So when Mr. Telemarketer called tonight I was polite. I did the short and sweet, “Thank you for calling, however, I am happy with the service I am receiving and I am with this carrier for a reason. I am a busy woman. Please do not call me again and please put me on your Do Not Call List”

Mr. Telemarketer told me that he wanted to know what my reason was. Anytime this happens I tell them. The explanation lasts about 20 seconds and they usually apologize for the beyond crappy service their organization has given me in the past. Then they tell me to have a great night and we both hang up.

This guy was different. He wanted to keep talking. I was not going to entertain that at all! I thanked him for his call, requested that I be put on the Do Not Call List again and hung up.

He called me back and tried to educate me on phone etiquette and customer service. THAT WAS NOT HAPPENING! I told him that I was a busy woman and that if he called me again I was going to blog about them, meaning one day. Then I said, “You know what, I was going to blog about something else but now I am going to blog about you.” Did that stop him? No.

A few seconds later, Mr. Telemarketer called me back and called me a bitch, six times! My response was, “You are right, I am a bitch. I am a




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Is this always true? No. But he doesn’t know that.

I am on hold right now waiting for the sales supervisor of Mr. Telemarketer’s organization. So while I am on hold I will tell you why I am with another carrier.

Years ago, I was with the carrier that Mr. Telemarketer works for. I was making a lot of long distance phone calls and I wanted to know if they had a plan so I could save some money. I was told flat out that there was no plan. A few minutes later I was with another phone company. 

Then about three weeks later I got a call from Mr. Telemarketer’s organization wanting to know why I wasn’t with them any more. I told them. They told me that they have great long distance plans and told me ALL about them. Those plans sounded just like a plan I was asking for before I stopped using them. 

Pissed off I said, “Wow, that is so strange. How is it that when I was a customer and asked for a long distance plan I was told that you don’t have one. And now that I’m not your customer anymore you have all these great plans? Is that what you do. Treat your existing customers like crap and your new customers like gold? Should I have threatened to leave _________ to get a deal that  you are now offering? Because you clearly didn’t respect me as a customer before I left you.”  (Yes, I’ve been a BITCH for a LONG TIME!)   ;D

The then telemarketer didn’t know what to say.  A few seconds later I got an apology. We both agreed to end the call. Back to the reason for this blog.

I spoke to a sales supervisor and told them what happened and the EXACT reason for my call. I am waiting for the results of the investigation report and I am giving them 48 hours to get back to me. If they don’t, I will be calling them again. I have all the information like the name of the sales supervisor I spoke with, the time and their employee code and I am prepared to use it.

To speed things up a bit, I did mention that I thought it was idiotic to state the name of a HUGE organization in a negative light within a blog. I coupled that with “…some of the people who read my blog know me and they will be able to figure out what carrier I was with” meaning why I wasn’t with them! I think the sales supervisor got the message.

I will keep you posted.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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